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Sunday, September 24th, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Draco/Hermione - "Lovers and Liars" by eilonwy (eilonwy1)
    Title: "Lovers and Liars"
    Gaining Access: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11812929?view_full_work=true
    Author: eilonwy (eilonwy1)
    Word Count: ~18.7K
    Alternate Links to Fic: n/a
    Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
    Rating: Mature (PG-15/R)
    Author's Summary: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Hermione is determined never to make the same mistake again that she’d made once with Draco Malfoy. When he waltzes back into her life after a year’s absence, her resolve is put to the test.
    Author's Website: on Livejournal, on AO3

    Why everyone should read this:
    Eilonwy never fails to deliver a tale that entertains, pulls at your heartstrings, and makes you want to re-read it over and over again. Here, she's done it again!

    Written for the 2017 dramione_remix fest, her prompt was Beatrice and Benedict from "Much Ado About Nothing" by Shakespeare. Here, Hermione and Draco were in business partners and in love, but his fear of commitment led Draco into a series of bad decisions that ended everything between them a year before the story begins. Neither of them could forget the other, however. Their meddling, well-intentioned friends (Blaise, Theo, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Padma, Lavender, and Ron) all decide to get the two back together with a series of cleverly scripted lies dropped at just the right time. Will it be enough, however, to break through Hermione's anger and resentment and to give a shot of much-needed courage to Draco?

    Three chapters packed with wonderful plot, gorgeous descriptions, and characters you'll fall in love with for all their foibles. Definitely, give this one a read and a review! Don't forget to 'favourite' it, too, yeah?


    The post would be there soon, she noted, glancing at her watch. She’d been expecting a shipment of an especially rare floral compound from Bali, used by native people for centuries. It was one she’d read about with great excitement, because its properties, derived from the Frangipani flower, were alleged to be powerful healers.

    The “Open” sign was in the door and now it only remained for the first customers to wander in. It was a lovely, bright morning, a fine day for strolling about the town. Surely it wouldn’t be long.

    Right on time, the postman arrived, bearing the much-anticipated parcel. Eagerly, Hermione tore open the wrapping and began to examine the literature accompanying the compound, which was tightly stoppered in a small, purple vial.

    “Bali, eh? What’ve you got there?”

    Startled, Hermione’s head snapped up and she found herself looking her ex-lover in the eye. So much for “never.” Crap. How could she have been so careless? She’d warded her flat, but in her haste, she’d forgotten all about the shop. Setting the vial down, she laced her fingers together and gazed at him coolly.

    “What are you doing here? Slumming?”

    One eyebrow and a corner of Draco’s mouth lifted in a barely perceptible half smile. “Hardly,” he drawled. “The place actually looks decent. Better than decent.”

    Hermione’s eyes narrowed. “Gosh, thanks. I’m overwhelmed. Answer the question, Malfoy.”

    “Haven’t I? Yes, well, I’ve come to inspect the premises.” He smiled pleasantly, his cool, grey eyes betraying only amusement at the joke she didn’t yet understand.

    “Inspect the…?” She began to laugh. “You’ve really lost the plot, Malfoy. You have no reason to ‘inspect the premises,’ as you put it. You have no interest in it anymore, remember? You sold your half to me.”

    “Ah, yes. True enough. But I do own the building now. Which makes me –”

    “My landlord.” Hermione’s voice was flat with disbelief.

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