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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event
    Who would play me on TV?
    Following [personal profile] beccaelizabeth and [personal profile] baronjanus, I'm asking too:

    Who would play me on TV?

    This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.
    Strength and healing
    [personal profile] baronjanus made me three new icons for fighting spirit.

    They're excellent. Much more suited to the vibe I need than the pink ribbon, that really isn't my thing.

    Most recent ad I've seen on this topic was with Mark Harmon, which is the first time I saw a guy speak on this topic. I like that.

    This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.
    Proposed LJ changes *sigh*
    Originally posted by ferneberga at Proposed LJ changes *sigh*
    Originally posted by hinky_hippo at Proposed LJ changes *sigh*
    Originally posted by hawk_soaring at Proposed LJ changes *sigh*
    Originally posted by bluespirit_star at Proposed LJ changes *sigh*
    Thanks to nakeisha for the heads-up on this.

    I don't usually mind when LJ makes changes (some have been good, others not so much, but there's normally a work around or I just get used to it) but this idea of introducing a Tumblr style format to the flist page has made me feel the need to speak up (& go over & leave a comment.)

    I can't get along with Tumblr for some reason (it just doesn't work visually for me) & I really don't want to have it imposed on me.  It's fine if it's offered as an option for folk who do want it, but I'd like to make that choice myself.
    Let's hope enough people comment (politely & rationally) & our voices can be heard.

    Originally posted by agentxpndble at Yeah, this one is bad...

    Please speak up at the places suggested below...

    Originally posted by twissie at LiveJournal

    So, after nearly a decade at this site, LJ finally does something that makes me actually rage. No popcorn and laughing as the masses storm to news posts complaining, this time I'm actually worried.

    A while back I was invited to help out with BETA testing new LJ services (I got this invite via lj_releases</lj>).

    They have just announced BETA testing of a new friendslist.

    LJ is planning on redoing everyone's friendslists in the style of the new comment page and update page. They want to copy tumblr and make your friendslist into a dashboard-like system page (infinite scrolling and all). It's also been renamed to "feed" (this I don't mind too much, though). In fact the whole dashboard idea with infinite scrolling wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that everyone will be locked to one specific layout. The system style comment pages are bad enough, but now I'll have to strain my eyes reading my flist? That defeats the purpose of this entire site. The font, use of whitespace, oversized boxes and UI elements ... all contribute to making the page difficult to read, on a site where all you do is read. Aaaah. Even just the possibility of adjusting the font (style and size) would make this suggestion easier to swallow, but it's still not something I'd want for my journal. It would not improve my LJ experience in any way (in fact it would most likely make my daily LJ activities more time consuming).

    Now, I wasn't able to make the BETA page display my own friendslist, so I apologise to the random users who are featured in the screenshot, but to give everyone an idea, the below image shows you what your friendslist probably will look like in a couple of months.

    (Click for big)

    All friendslists will look the same.

    Snippet from the locked post at lj_releases</lj>:
    The friends page has been redesigned as a system page for all users, and is now available for Beta testers. There is a link at the top of your friends page allowing you to switch between the new and old versions, and will later go into public beta testing. You can switch back and forth between both versions throughout beta testing.

    I wish I had a public link for you to leave comments at, but the best option is probably just to leave comments on the newest public entry at lj_releases</lj>.

    I wish I had a public link for you to leave comments at, but the best option is probably just to leave comments on the newest public entry at lj_releases.

    You can also see the proposed changes for yourself by enabling the BETA on your own journal (instructions from ruljautonews</lj>):

    It's trivially easy to test beta features.
    1) Go to lj_ru_beta</lj> and request to join.
    2) Wait to get confirmation that you've been accepted into the community (this could take a few hours.)
    3) Go to this page and choose Go To under Beta.
    4) That's it, you're now testing the beta release. All site-scheme pages should now display a big "BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA" in yellow letters across the top.
    5) You could make comments in the lj_ru_beta</lj> post, but if you do please keep this in mind: the majority of commenters there don't speak English and if they do it's not their primary language. Machine translation of Russian is lousy. "My hovercraft is full of eels" lousy. While you can engage in basic dialogue and get a feel for what the other person is saying, don't get too hung up on anyone's phrasing.

    You can easily switch back to the old version.

    Make sure you let LJ know what you think of these proposed changes, I can't be the only one who thinks this is a horrible idea.

    ETA: It's nice to see that I'm not the only one worried about the proposed changes, but please direct your feedback through the proper channels. This is a private journal, I have no affiliation with LJ. Please also be respectful when addressing the LJ staff. They are just doing their jobs. Thanks!

    Signal Boost: Squidge.ORG Fundraising
    From [profile] squidgestatus.
    I run Squidge.ORG, and have done so for 18 years without asking for any donations or fees from users or visitors. I ran into an unexpected expense, and as such - for the first time ever - am asking for donations to help pay for this. Details are on the SquidgeStatus page here:

    This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.
    ceruleancat @ 2014-10-10T21:35:00

    Adam Art Spoons design is now available.
    Shirts, cards, decorative items.
    Give a friend some spoons.

    Artist will take orders.

    #spoon theory, #spoons, #spoonie, #spoony, #invisible disability, #disability, #chronic illness, #adamart, #t-shirts, #shop, #gifts, #gift, #gift idea

    This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

    Cool time waster - pottery app
    Cool cool app game allowing you to make pottery and decorate it. If you're going to waste time with games on your phone, this is at least creative! Great fun
    Colour selection is a bit limited and I hope they develop it further and allow more complex throwing and design. Nice game.

    This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

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