Oh Dear GOD!!! What Was THAT???'s Journal
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Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

    Time Event
    A Brave New Year...
    Well here we are again, staring at a new year. Sigh...same old, same old.

    But, this year, we (myself and the lovely singingwolf) are going to take the bull by the balls. (Heh. The most dangerous way to grab a bull, don't you know.) We are going after a house AND better employment for both of us. It is going to be an exciting year for both of us. We have looked around and have seen what the going market for homes are, and we figure that we can afford a home big enough for both us and our hobbies.

    And, I am simply tired of being a damned temp. The money is as good as I have ever had, but that is not the point any more. I want to actually earn something and not simply be the guy that is always there. So, job market, here I come again. Sigh...I hate going through interviews. But, I hate my current situation even more. So, there you go.

    The podcast will continue on once every two weeks for the foreseeable future.

    Well, that is the state of the union as we boldly march into 2007.

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