let me be the light that guides your way through darkest night's Journal
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Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

    Time Event
    general update

    These are dog pictures for those interested enough to want to see my dogs.

    I just spent time talking weaselfierce this morning and have talked to others so I am not going to do an lj entry on dog issues. I just want to note that since Barnabus' aggression incident, he has been taken to a trainer and been worked with almost daily. We still have a ways to go, but he is a far safer dog and I have much better control. I just want to note that here, given how seriously I take owner responsibilities and my prior posts.

    But on to other topics. God is teaching me patience, it seems. This doesn't seem quite fair, as I didn't pray for it. ;) There's more than one situation that's been placed in my life that I cannot control. What I've found out is that though my meds help hugely, that I still have issues letting go and letting God. I'm trying hard to give today's issues to God fully so I won't post them here.

    Other than that, life is going decently. I graduate today. I have the hours at work to help pay off some bills that were looming or at least a better chance of it. I got to see Star Trek, which kicked a huge amount of ass. I'm going to spend a few days with weaselfierce's wife soon, as we go up to Washington to see another friend. This is going to kick a huge amount of ass.
    anorexicbrownie @ 2009-06-16T03:11:00
    My current cold, like nearly every other cold, feels the need to nestle in my sinus'. If it becomes a sinus infection opposed to a cold, I will be stabbing people. I have vacation coming up. The head cold piece is not aiding mental function. I nearly made an idiot of myself on lordhellebore's journal. A mis-informed idiot as opposed to an asshat, but bah.

    I also had to cancel volunteering. I'm worried about appearing flaky as I just took time off from school, but I've developed a chronic need for kleenex and am snuffly enough to be contagious. I don't think they would appreciate my cold.
    Click here.
    Take the quiz.
    Post your results.
    1) What planet should wickedangie be from? Pandora.
    2) Where was musicchan born? The US?
    3) One thing you can't stand about watersaredeep? Nothing as of yet. :)
    4) Is alasthai athletic? Not overly?
    5) Where would herechic most like to visit? No clue.
    6) Would you wrestle candita in jello? I'd be afraid. I'm a pansy.
    7) What is tarleon's shoe size? 10? 12? I am not converting that to Australian.
    8) Is dragnsfire single? Yes.
    9) What animal does weaselfierce remind you of? A weasel. They are win.
    10) Does funked_out_frog have a dog? I don't think so.
    11) If tarleon took over the world, who would be happy? Some intellectuals and non-extremists sorts.
    12) Do you have a crush on forensicgirl? No, but she is awesome.
    13) One quality you find attractive in sir_mrteapot? Humor is win.
    14) What is moopste's favorite movie? Not a clue.
    15) Do you think polocrunch is hot? Of course. But in a non-creepy way.
    16) Is polocrunch your best friend? Nope.
    17) Are pastorlenny and homais going out? ...No, just no.
    18) Is realitydvnt friends with homais? Doubtful.
    19) If treecrabby had a superpower, what would it be? brain explodey powerz.
    20) How long have you known lanapanda? .. 2 years? >.>
    21) Would musicchan be a better ninja or pirate? ...Damn. Um. Ninja?
    22) What do you agree with therealhopeful about? World peace.
    23) What is moopste's favorite color? uh. black?
    24) What mental disorder does homais remind you of? Asperger's.
    25) Does therealhopeful smoke? Not sure.

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