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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in incest cannibal mermaids' InsaneJournal:

    Sunday, August 28th, 2011
    4:00 pm
    For [info]jezrana, in an idea shamelessly stolen from [info]cimness, here is:

    Bex's Primer for People Who Want to Read Adam Lambert Fanfiction but Don't Want to Watch American Idol

    Not safe for dial-up! Or work, I should imagine.

    Adam says JUMP IN!

    I'm going to keep this as brief as possible. STOP LAUGHING AT THE BACK. I can be brief! Sometimes! Also this not a mediasharing post. If you want to dl clips and songs and things, I am sure you all know where to go for it. I'm just here to dangle the pretty in front of your face.

    Like so. Here is Adam Lambert:

    It's completely unnecessary to watch the show in order to write/read fic about him. I've only watched bits! [info]olivia_circe has watched none! Etc! Here's some info to get you started:

    Adam was born on January 29th 1982, making him 27 years old currently, and an Aquarius always. His rising sign is Libra and he has an Aries Moon. I know all of this because hilariously Adam is real big into astrology. Here is a screencap of him talking about it on a forum before he was all famous and shiz:

    The boyfriend in question is Brad Bell, aka Cheeks. We'll get to his gorgeous self later.

    Adam is six foot one, and often wears heels/big hair/a giant wig or headdress/some combination of the above so appears even taller. Bandomers, you know how Gerard does that thing where he hunches even though he's not even tall? Adam is basically the opposite of that.

    He comes from San Diego. He is Jewish and says in an interview that his family are 'Diet Jews' i.e. celebrating Chanukah rather than Christmas, but Adam did not have a bar mitzvah. After moving to LA Adam attended a temple where people explored Judaism through art and song, and there are various videos online of him singing in Hebrew. He was singing phonetically and does not speak Hebrew himself.


    Adam grew up with his mom, dad and little brother Neil. Neil is three years younger than Adam. They are mutually supportive of each other and by all accounts pretty close, but also one Thanksgiving they got into a fist fight and then didn't speak for a while. Adam's Mom said in an interview that they had not been so close recently but that Idol had brought them together and she was really happy about it. \o/ Neil said in an interview with 20/20 that he knew Adam was gay from the minute he knew what the word 'gay' meant. During Idol's run Neil had fun running around MySpace and SomethingAwful telling Adam fans that they were a little lacking in the penis department for Adam's taste, but that he was also a Lambert, should they care to settle. His words, not mine!

    Neil, an aspiring journalist, moved to New York immediately following the Idol finale. He has a blog and a Twitter and recently had his first professional article published, and is just generally a hilarious person. It was him, for example, who coined the phrase 'glittery alien from Planet Fierce'. He plays piano and Adam has referred to them playing and singing together around the holidays.

    As a tiny wee, Adam was obsessed with dressing up - no change there then - and his Mom says that the Halloween costume box stayed out all year. On Idol they showed some pictures of him dressed up as a beeb, my favourite of which was from the phase he had where he wanted to dress like a grown-up, so his parents bought him a tiny three-piece suit and a moustache. As you do.

    Adam 's hair is naturally strawberry-blond:

    and he struggled with his weight and skin problems as a teenager. According to Datalounge (lol Datalounge) rumour, Adam went pretty crazy trying to lose weight after he moved to LA :/ He has some lingering fat-kid body consciousness issues and occasionally bemoans the fifteen pounds he thinks he needs to lose (he's crazy) but has no problem with stripping off:

    or wearing clothes which leave really just...nothing to the imagination:

    So I think the characterisation of him weeping and refusing to take his shirt off during sex is probably even more unnecessary than it is in MCR fandom >:(

    His first kiss was, in his words, with a fierce 18-year old black girl from Compton who taught him how to really make out. He was 14. Also his Dad says he and Neil watched Star Trek a lot when the boys were kids, although Adam only really liked it for the make up and costumes.

    He is very freckly:

    And currently does not wax/shave his chest/legs, although he has in the past:

    LOL you guys I have that picture saved nine separate times. /o\ It's because he looks kind of like Ian Somerhalder there! And the idea of Ian and Adam in the same room makes me explode.

    Adam was not crazy about school. His parents put him in musical theatre (and later he and his brother both did some advertising work as kids) at the age of 10 to deal with his extra energy. He preferred doing plays and musicals and shows more than anything else, and according to his dad only scraped a pass in Algebra with nightly coaching at the dinner table. He experimented with girls in high school and apparently even scaled the dizzy heights of oral sex with one of them, but was gay enough from birth that when his Dad caught him looking at gay porn on the computer when he was just thirteen, his reaction was to turn to Adam's Mom and say, "It's official." Still, Adam did not come out to his parents until he was seventeen. Leila asked him if he had a girlfriend, he said no. Then she asked if he would like one, and again he said no. Then she asked if he would like a boyfriend, and he said, "Yes, that would be nice."

    According to Adam, "It was like a wall came down and we just started gabbing like crazy."

    High school Adam:

    Leila and Eber are divorced but still friendly. Eber lives with his long-term partner Amy, who is awesome and who could be seen in the audience of American Idol except for when they made her move 'so as not to confuse viewers.'

    I know. I KNOW. They still live in San Diego. During the filming of Idol Leila was living in San Fransisco, but said she was moving to LA during the Idol tour to work for Adam. But not to live with him, she was quick to point out. Adam was very keen for his Mom to start a new life in LA. Her plan at the time of interview was to help him with fan stuff and also finding a place to live/day-to-day running of his life.

    Anyway here are some pictures of the Lambert clan:

    Adam's grades, due to a deep disinterest in school, were not good enough for him to get into the acting schools he was hoping to attend in New York. He got into California State Fullerton but dropped out after five weeks because he didn't want to go to class, he only wanted to be in shows. His Dad made him get a job, so he became a barista:

    Whee! Then after moving to North Hollywood and being miserable for a while, at 19 he got a job on a cruise ship and, to paraphrase his own words, got to have his eyes opened to the world outside middle-upper class privilege, and also shop a lot. LOL. Shopping is a huge priority in Adam's life. I love it.

    When he came back from the cruise ship, Adam returned permanently to LA.

    ALL RIGHT. HERE'S WHERE IT GETS FUZZY. Adam is completely incapable of maintaining a cohesive timeline when he talks about his past. Your best bet is The Ultimate Adam Lambert Interview parts One Two Three Four.

    Some interesting extra bits of info about this time: Adam first dyed his hair black when he got the part in The Ten Commandments. Here's a nice little video where he talks about it:

    He also got all beffied-up with Val Kilmer. Rumour has it there was a little between the sheets action happening, but IDK. Let's look at these screencaps while we think about it, shall we?

    My thoughts exactly, Adam my sweet.

    Other press: the good places to start apart from the Ultimate Interview linked above are the Rolling Stone interview here and the Details interview here.To be honest most of Adam's other interviews are so excruciatingly samey, boring and mottsy that they're not worth your time. He is being included in the OUT 100 though, and there's supposed to be an interview in the issue too. \o/!

    EDIT: [info]dont_panic4242 reminds me that there is an awesome video interview with Adam by Michael Slezak (also awesome!) here in several parts, and it's totally worth watching.

    Aside from making his own music (noooo) and briefly fronting a metal band (LOL) called The Citizen Vein, Adam worked mostly in musical theatre, both underground and mainstream. The most well-known of Adam's pre-Idol shows are Wicked

    Ten Commandments, and The Zodiac Show. Here are pictures:

    (I know. I know.)

    He also did a musical version of Debbie Does Dallas in Lake Tahoe. He hated it and was miserable, and I don't want to laugh at his pain but I do want to laugh at the way he looks:

    I'm going to laugh at him here too:

    And here. Bendy bendy bangy bangy indeed, Adam. Well, you can't say he's not literal in his performances:

    The relationship Adam is referring to in his interviews is the one he had with Brad Bell/Cheeks. It's not clear exactly how or when they met, but Brad was, at the time of Idol, the only real boyfriend Adam had ever had and also the only time he had ever been in love. More rumours have it that Adam does not cheat, either on boyfriends OR with people who HAVE boyfriends, but of course you can define cheating in a myriad of ways. The impression I get is that he is pretty dedicated when in a relationship, though. Here are some pictures of Adam and Brad:

    Yes, there is glitter in his facial hair.

    Brad is 24 and from Texas. (This will become a theme.) You can check out his Twitter or his YouTube channel. We don't really know what he does apart from Be Fabulous and work tirelessly at internet stardom, but we do know he's really funny, really twinky, really pretty, and makes really terrible fucking music. Sorry Cheeks! Don't take it personally. Adam's pre-Idol stuff was godawful too.

    Adam and Brad are both into astrology big time. According to old MySpace comments they attended (or at least planned to attend) Astrology classes together, and Brad often references what the planets are currently doing in his tweets. Adam and Brad are still close friends, and in the Idol tour programme Adam thanked Brad 'for all you taught me, and making me a brighter person.'

    Adam and Brad were very big on dressing up, parties, performing, and going to Burning Man, which is a self-sufficiency self-expression temporary community circus theater camp neo-utopia....thing that happens in the desert. Adam has been three times: at least once Neil accompanied Adam and Brad wearing a fishnet vest because he is just that cool of a brother.

    It was while on shrooms at Burning Man that Adam had the epiphany to appear on American Idol. Well, why not, eh? Gerard had a vision of the Black Parade after he slipped and hit his head in the bathroom, after all. On old comments on Adam's MySpace several of his friends refer to the couple as 'Bradam', which is so cute and hilarious I can't even deal with it.

    Adam says that when he listens to the song 'Eclipse' by Robyn, he thinks of Brad and cries.

    Yeah. Yeaaaaah. *takes a moment*

    Adam and Brad broke up after a year and a half/two years for reasons we do not know. Adam does say it broke his heart, but your heart can break for lots of reasons when a relationship ends. Maybe Brad cheated on him, maybe Adam wanted Brad to chill on the partying, maybe they just came to the end of their road and knew it wasn't going to work despite loving the fuck out of each other. There is evidence to support almost any theory you can come up with, and at the same time there is no evidence to support any of them at all. We don't know and that's okay. In Details magazine Adam recently said that after he and Brad broke up he did a lot of drugs (Adam still smokes weed, but is pretty anti-coke these days) and was, in his own words, a slutbag, just trying to numb himself out.


    Brad is usually depicted in fic as either the yenta who helps Kris and Adam sort themselves out, Adam's hilarious friend with that protective ex-edge of 'FUCK HIM UP AND DIE' <--- this is my favourite, or weepy babydoll type who tries to kill himself after seeing Adam on TV. LOL NO is all I have to say about that.

    Everyone seems to agree that fanon Brad should be insatiable in the bedroom, though, and I am very on board with that. I am also on board with Brad/Kris, which everyone should write me. *commands*

    Adam's most recent romantic entanglement was with Drake LaBry. They broke up sometime last week, and according to all sources it was completely amicable and they are still very close, but found that Adam was not able to find the time to invest in a new relationship at this stage in his crazy career. Also Drake has an art show coming up and is trying to establish himself in that world, which can't be easy when you are ADAM LAMBERT'S BOYFRIEND tabloid-fodder. I am filled with *WAIL* over this, and am consoling myself with endless brainfics where they get together again in the (VERY NEAR) future. :(

    I have already done a picspam on the depths of my creepy, creepy crush on Drake, so here: according to Drake he met Adam in 2007 when he was doing an internship (he's an interior designer and painter) in LA. They were v. good friends for a long while, then at some point started dating. Drake had a boyfriend called Jared Garcia for at least a year, and they are still rly close friends too as far as we can tell. Rumour has it Drake broke up with Jared so - not JUST for this reason, I am sure, but that is the rumour - he would be free to date Adam. See above re: Adam doesn't cheat.

    Drake is 24 and from Louisiana. I know. Adam has described Drake as being Cajun, dreamy, voodoo-down, and as having swagger. Between the Idol finale and tour rehearsals/album work began, Adam took Drake on a mini vacation to a super-swanky resort for four days. He said 'it cost a pretty penny but was worth it,' and in another interview when they asked him who he went with he said 'A certain special someone.' Also recently when someone asked him if he was familiar with Drake the rapper, Adam said no, but, "I have another Drake that I'm pretty familiar with."

    Jesus Christ, Adam, I am only one woman, here.

    Drake visited Adam several times on tour. He mostly stayed in the family or backstage areas, but when accosted by fans while he was waiting in line for the bathroom, he agreed to take pictures despite protesting that he was no-one. Then he made a joke about selling Adam's old bed on eBay. He has now moved from Louisiana to LA and as far as we know is, in addition to art, moonlighting as a bartender which meant he had to serve Perez Hilton one night. Ew. He has been seen out and about with Adam regularly since then. He has a Twitter which I creepily follow. Kris' mom follows him on Twitter, which is so cute I can only just bear it. Drake's family, especially his mom, are also very supportive of Adam. In the Idol tour programme, Adam thanked Drake 'for all the hope you share with me.'


    ANYWAY MOVING ON. Adam's friends are many and varied. A creepy dig through his old MySpace reveals he basically knows everyone in LA and they all love him so much they can barely see straight. The ones we know most about are singer-songwriter and performer Alisan Porter (yes, Curly Sue):

    Alisan met Adam when he went crazy in the audience screaming for her when she was performing in the Zodiac Show. They then performed in the show together :D I believe she was in Ten Commandments too?

    and Cassidy Haley:

    Cassidy is a musician too - here is the video for Whiskey in Churches, in which he may or may not give someone who may or may not be Adam a good old grope:

    He also owns SkinGraft clothing, who made many of the jackets Adam wore on Idol. Also guess who is the SkinGraft co-designer? Katie Kay, of danced with Panic! fame! \o/

    THERE IS ONE FANDOM. I believe it is also Cassidy who threw the Christmas parties at which pictures like this were taken:

    LOL. EDIT: Apparently this was Katie's party, not Cassidy's! Thanks [info]kitaloon!

    As far as celebs go, Adam is also friends with Jai Rodriguez (the little one from Queer Eye) and Vince Rimoldi from Camp, on whom I have a giant crush and could not be more pleased that they are friends. And he has become good mates with Katy Perry since Idol, much to my irritation, but what are you gonna do? He also knows Jeffree Star:

    Ew. Although Adam has never acknowledged him publicly despite Star claiming they slept together and Adam was obsessed with him. Oh ok den. Don't let the door PUNT YOUR RACIST ASS OFF THE PLANET.

    And in the Jewish Journal article I linked above he says his best friend in the world is a girl named Danielle. I believe he means Danielle Storri, also a musician? I could be wrong, but here is her Music MySpace :D

    TL;DR, the point is all of Adam's friends are beautiful, talented and amazing.

    Random facts about Adam:

    He is currently renting a three-bedroom house in the Hollywood Hills. Before Idol he had an apartment in West Hollywood which he sub-let when he had to move into the Idol hotel/house.
    On Wicked he was making $1800 a week.
    Before Wicked his Dad often had to help him out with the rent, and his Mom used to mail him gift cards to Whole Foods and Trader Joe's so he could eat.
    He cannot follow directions, but can read a map. His Dad will tell him 'go North' rather than 'turn left'.
    He does not like sports, and basically admits he doesn't want to do anything he isn't good at, which is why he didn't do great in school.

    He's flexible:

    He has a tattoo of the Eye of Horus, for protection:

    He got the eyeshadow tattooed on afterwards.

    He looks really good in plaid:

    His three favourite things to do in his spare time are shop, talk on the phone and go to parties.
    His three guilty pleasures are Britney Spears, ice cream and Gossip Girl.
    Anyone who could read the above facts and watch this .gif of Adam mopping his brow after a dance lesson:

    and still not be convinced Adam was gay (before Rolling Stone) was CRAZY. I mean I don't wish to stereotype, but the dude's favourite ice-cream flavour is FRENCH SILK. French Silk! Gayest shit I have ever heard. I mean look:

    Yes, those are wings on his butt. TWO DIFFERENT PAIRS OF JEANS WITH WINGS ON THE BUTT.

    His favourite movie is Velvet Goldmine. Surprise, right?
    He loves rock music.
    He drives a Mustang convertible, which Ford gave to him after American Idol.
    He has won a Kids' Choice Award, and a Young Hollywood Award. I'm not clear what they were for, exactly. Just being awesome I think:

    He used to be in a MySpace group called I Hate Uggs With Skirts.
    Adam's MySpace was public for about two seconds back in the day and was a gift to fandom the likes of which I have never known, including his Dad being HILARIOUS and complaining that he never has any vodka left after Adam comes over, and that while he was elated to have made it into 'Adam's Favourites' he had some trepidation over clicking a folder named 'Adam's Privates'.
    Similarly, his Mom left him a comment on MySpace saying she wanted him to make her some more weed butter.
    Adam was very open about his nakedtiems activities:

    And his brother left this gem:

    I see you've reached the stage of your life where you pose topless for Myspace.
    I see you've also reached the stage of your life where you do daily Crisco rubdowns.
    Sorry about your life.


    And of course let us not forget Adam's poetry. Let's have the tapestry version this time:

    Babies love Adam!

    Here's a video which will prove whether or not you HAVE A SOUL:

    I KNOW, RIGHT??? Adam has watched the above video and said it was the most precious thing he had ever seen, that it warmed his heart and made him think maybe he would like kids some day. I watched it and felt like the entire existence of fandom was playing out before my eyes.

    If you want to know about Adam on American Idol, it's not too bad to watch the episodes and fastforward through the non-Adam bits. He routinely performs so well that the judges just don't have anything bad to say, so it isn't embarrassing! Plus seeing Adam interact with Jamie Foxx in Rat Pack week is a thing of BEAUTY.

    But if you'd rather go the text-based route, I recommend the recaps on TWoP. Usually Jacob's recaps make me want to claw off my face AND THROW IT AT HIM (BSG and Doctor Who, anyone? RAGE) but THIS SHOW IS WHAT HE WAS BORN TO RECAP. He's hilarious and perceptive and if you do what I did and CTRL-F your way through looking for 'Adam' you'll be away :D

    Adam said he toned himself waaaaay down for the Idol auditions, to get his foot in the door before unleashing all his...Adam on them:


    To put it in very short terms, Idol goes like this: Adam sings Queen. Adam sings Cher. Adam sings Rolling Stones. Everyone Loves Adam. Everyone Loves Adam Some More. Pictures of Adam and Brad kissing are found on the internet because Adam forgot to close his Burning Man social networking profile. Bill O' Reilly calls them embarrassing and censors Adam's tongue. Adam sings Black or White and blows the fucking roof off. Paula cries. Adam cries. I cry. Everyone really loves Adam. Led Zeppelin allow him to sing Whole Lotta Love because their managers' kids love Adam. Simon Cowell Loves Adam. YOU GUYS SIMON COWELL REALLY LOVES ADAM. Kris Allen wins. Proper Adam and Kris fans don't give a shit because Adam and Kris don't give a shit. Kris gets signed to Jive, and Adam to RCA. Apparently Simon Fuller is personally managing Adam, as he also does with Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, I believe. Meatloaf loves Adam. Brian May loves Adam. No rly everybody loves Adam.

    (Random Kris insert: Kris has now got a band, like David Cook, full of people he knew before Idol - also like David Cook, and seems really happy and excited about it. I think this is awesome and am super chuffed for him :D Also JC CHASEZ has written a song for Kris' album. ONE FANDOM YOU GUYS. ONE.)

    Adam's particular friend on Idol except for Kris was Allison Iraheta. Allison is seventeen and amazing and has an incredible voice, and is this dorky hilarious kid who has no idea how smoking hot she is. She and Adam consistently referred to each other as big brother and little sister. On the show, and on the tour, they sang 'Slow Ride' together, which is possibly the most inappropriate song a 27 year old man can sing with an underage girl EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, but because of their dynamic (and Adam's gay, let's be honest) they just kind of LOLd their way through it and it was therefore awesome.

    They are the unofficial top three, because everyone hates Danny Gokey. They are Kradison! :D

    Eh. Danny Gokey. I don't want to dedicate too much time to him, let's just say he's a homophobic, envious, exploitative, revolting jackass. For a while Michael Sarver was on Team Homophobe too, but now we like him because he a) has totally changed his tune and become very vocally opposed to anti-gay sentiment from 'Christians' who picketed some of the Idol shows (:/ WBC :/)and b) which is most important, he totally owns his previous fail. He's like, man, I was a douche. ♥Adam saved me from myself♥ etc, whereas Gokey denies he ever did anything wrong in the first place. HATE. He also tried to copy Adam a lot on Idol, which LOL NO.

    Here's Michael and Adam:

    &Papa Bear;

    On the American Idol Tour, lots of people threw underwear at Adam. Here's why:

    One of those people was Drake (WAIL) who took it upon himself to throw an enormous pair of bright white boxer shorts at Adam after he complained not enough dudes were getting in on it. Adam caught the underwear in mid-air, danced around for a while with it between his legs/spinning in the air, then threw it back.


    Adam's lack of verbal filter is pretty well-known, and meant that he got less and less inhibited throughout the tour, until eventually he was calling tiny children 'bitches' and saying 'fuck' on stage. Also doing this to his mic stand every night:

    And getting very involved with the gifts of sex toys people threw at him, like floggers and handcuffs, but he did not like it when people threw dildos at him, however >:( They hurt! But he seemed pretty down with the floggers and handcuffs. This is no surprise when you consider that Adam regularly wears both of these things strapped to his person:

    And that he wore a glove specially made for him out of a cock and balls harness on GOOD MORNING AMERICA. WHERE HE PROCEEDED TO COMPLAIN THAT NOBODY HAD THROWN UNDERWEAR AT HIM THAT MORNING. Then when the flustered hosts clutched at their pearls and reminded Adam that this was Good Morning America, he goes, "Oh! GOOD MORNING AMERICA! :D? :D?" while David Cook and Kris Allen staggered around under the weight of their own crushes behind him.

    There's a reason why we keep saying: Go on American Idol, troll the world.

    Adam likes the internet and was active online (mostly warding off endless fanpoodle boys who tried to suck his dick through the MySpace login page) before Idol. He had a livejournal and a youtube account, all under the same name and probaby the same password. Hence why his Twitter, phone, and email got hacked a bunch of times while he was on Tour. So he's not particularly computer-savvy but he does use netspeak and is King of Typos which is why in AI fandom we spell it ''fianlly'. Another thing I like about him. Also he likes smilies :) and abuses exclamation points!!!

    There are a bunch more of little things about Adam here, he did a little countdown of things he likes. Yes, one of them is his preferred brand of condoms. No, I don't think it was inappropriate because Details is a men's magazine and God knows men do not need to be discouraged from talking about condoms. It is, however, hilarious and adorable that Adam - for once! - actually gets kind of embarrassed! THIS NEVER HAPPENS. It's just for a second though and then he overcompensates by telling us what underwear he likes. Adam WHAT ARE YOU.

    The answer is: a Top! Adam says so here:

    Then again here:

    So there we are. Also in Details he said, "I like 'em smaller and younger," which we know because Mr. Adam Has a Type...which brings me to Kris Allen. Adam and Kris spent American Idol having a glorious bromance, so delicious you could lose yourself in it for days. It would be utterly superfluous to try to make any kind of catalogue of it here, when the lovely and talented [info]buffyx has made the sublime Epic Kradam Bromance Guide For Idiots. This is the post that got me into AI8 fandom in the first place, for which I believe I have [info]yan_tan_tether to blame. Go and read it. Roll around in it. Rub it all over your face. I'll still be here when you get back.

    I know. I know. I know.

    Okay? Okay. At this point I'd just like to point out that Kris is 24 and from Arkansas. A TYPE. THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING. I'm in it for Adam, I won't lie, but I am deeply, unshakeably fond of Kris, for many reasons, but personally for me the big one is he's famous, he's Christian, and he's not a douche. I can't tell you how refreshing it is not to be embarrassed by a celebrity who claims the same faith as me. ♥ Also both Adam's and Kris' official website forums have a 'Kradam' thread, and the mods - the OFFICAL MODS OF ADAM'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE - throw people out if they get in the Kradam fans' faces. WHAT IS LIFE.

    My favourite thing about them, I think, is that usually it's Kris who's all handsy and flirty and ADAM ADAM ADAM PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE. This is so cute! It's like...Kris' first boycrush! He's all !!!!!! about it and Adam is SO INDULGENT and it's adorable.

    What's hilarious about this picture is they're both going for gangsta but have ended up around Philadephia Cheese Spread Commercial and Anime Hero, respectively.

    I really like reading stories about Adam and Kris. It's difficult though because for the first time in a fandom (for me) I like the canon relationships so much that I don't really want to see them broken up in fic! (EDIT: SINCE I WROTE THIS ADAM TOOK IT UPON HIMSELF TO MAKE THINGS EASIER FOR ME BY BREAKING THEM UP HIMSELF. WAIL, AGAIN.) I also really LIKE that Kris and Adam have this kind of mutual *____* thing going and are comfortable discussing their crushes on each other but also maintain a friendship America seems to think should be impossible. That doesn't mean that there aren't 8754573 amazing Kradam fics out there though, and I am always up for a good AU, of course! [info]yeats has recs down for this fandom, check out the sticky post at her journal for an awesomely comprehensive list of all pairings and types of stories :D

    Since the Idol tour, Adam has been working his butt off putting together his first album. It sounds like it's gonna be AMAZING, featuring producers such as Rob Cavallo, Howard Benson, Dr. Luke, Greg Wells, RedOne and Linda Perry. Artists who have contributed writing for the album include P!nk, Max Martin, Kara DioGuardi (wrote Good Girls w/Cobras, bandom people), Lady Gaga, Muse, Rivers Cuomo, Justin Hawkins, and Adam himself wrote/co-wrote four tracks. I am hoping he left the lyrics to someone else. ADAM ILU BUT SSHH.

    You've all seen his album cover, aka The Best Thing Ever:

    Here are his tweets defending it and making a hilarious typo and correcting himself adorably:

    And here it is after he dressed it up as Dave Navarro for Halloween:

    He dressed up as a vampire - sorry, GLAMpire for a private event in Florida:

    And again for Halloween (which he calls HalloPeen because...well, because Adam) but in a rather more involved fashion this time:

    And finally here he is looking too cute for words at the This Is It Premiere the other night:

    Which brings you up to speed on his current hair! And we all know how important that is.

    Adam has technically released three songs since American Idol. The official Idol song 'No Boundaries' which I like because I have No Standards:

    the theme song from 2012 'Time for Miracles' which I love because it's a cheesy rock ballad and there is no bad there, especially when paired with the hilarious video:

    and OH RIGHT 'FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT' which is Adam's first official single off his upcoming album of the same name, and you should all go and buy it because it is gonna do you six ways from Sunday and you are gonna have the time of your fucking life \o/ \o/ \o/

    There is obviously loads more, but I think this is more than enough should you wish to head on over to [info]yeats' journal and start reading some of the awesome stories listed there. And if you are from bandom and want to know how Adam can fit into that mess, might I direct you to my previous entries on the subject? :D? :D?

    Adam thanks you for your time :)

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