falling for the first time's Journal
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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded in falling for the first time's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, October 18th, 2023
    5:00 pm
    The Next Chapter
    Art Title: The Next Chapter
    Prompt Number: 2011
    Artist: xloz_91x

    Fic Title: The Next Chapter
    Author: annie46
    Fandom/Genre: J2, College-fic
    Pairing(s): Jensen/Jared
    Rating: NC-17
    Word Count: 9,584
    Warnings: Bullying, unwanted sexual advances, hurt!Jared
    Summary: Jensen has been Jareds protector since Kindergarten; now they are older and in a relationship Jared really wants things to change. When Jared gets a place at Harvard, Jensen moves to the city with him and, finally, it looks like they are on an equal footing. Unfortunately, Jared didnt reckon on a bully who seems intent on making his life a misery.
    What will Jensen do when he finds out someone is hurting the man that he loves?

    Art Link(s): Here
    Fic Link(s): LJ | AO3
    5:00 pm
    Hiding in Plain Sight
    Title: Hiding in Plain Sight
    Author: annie46
    Pairing(s)/Character(s):Jared/Jensen  mentions of wives etc
    Summary: Loving Jared is worth it (Slight spoilers for Season 8)
    A/N For Debz  birthday porn as promised!! (with some birthday angst thrown in!!)

    Disclaimer I dont own any of the people in this story. This is made up

    Read More
    5:00 pm
    RP Fic. Prosthetic Love, Chapter 1/? Jensen/Jared

    Title: Prosthetic Love

    Author: 2people2

    Pairings: J2

    Rating: Pg-13

    Summary: After coming out to his parents at the age of 14, Jensen and his brother are in a horrible car accident that leaves his brother brain damages and him a double amputee. Now, 3 years later, the Ackles are moving to San Antonio for a fresh start, but escaping one thing can lead to even more trouble.

    Warnings: Homophobia, slash, disabled characters.

    Disclaimer: I don’t own anything

    Link to chapter 1:http://2people2.livejournal.com/2961.html
    5:00 pm
    RPS Fic Prosthetic Love, Prologue/?

    Title: Prosthetic Love

    Author: 2people2

    Pairings: J2

    Rating: Pg-13

    Summary: After coming out to his parents at the age of 14, Jensen and his brother are in a horrible car accident that leaves his brother brain damages and him a double amputee. Now, 3 years later, the Ackles are moving to San Antonio for a fresh start, but escaping one thing can lead to even more trouble.

    Warnings: Homophobia, slash, disabled characters.

    Disclaimer: I don’t own anything

    Link to Prologue: http://2people2.livejournal.com/2246.html

    5:00 pm
    A Paradox, J2-AU, R
    Title: A Paradox
    Timestamp to: Twists and Turns and And No Two Directions Are Ever the Same
    Author: tcs1121
    Pairing/Characters: JA/JP, a touch of Chad, a dash of Misha, the Padalecki family
    Word Count: ~9800 (a long-winded timestamp)
    Rating: Light R
    Warnings: AU, Hurt!Jensen, Self-indulgent H/C and schmoop
    Disclaimer: Story and characters are, and continue to be, untrue.

    Beta: kee. I could not have done this without her. Her attention to detail, sharp mind, and gracious good nature made this a much better story. Thank you, my sweet.

    All remaining mistakes are mine.

    A/N 1: Jared's POV. You could probably enjoy this timestamp without first reading Twists and Turns and And No Two Directions Are Ever the Same, but reading them would help you to fully understand it.
    A/N 2: The YouTube links take you just to music, no real video. So you're not missing anything if you place the curser over the link and ctrl + click to listen while reading.

    A single .pdf of all three stories in this 'verse is Here

    Takes place approximately a year and a half after And No Two Directions Are Ever the Same, after Jared finished filming his documentary in the UK.
    "I had a boyfriend once, and I really liked him. Kind of really loved him, actually."

    A Paradox
    5:00 pm
    You Put Music In My Soul 8/? (Jared/Jensen, Steve/Chris NC17)
    Title: You Put Music In My Soul (8A & B/?)
    Characters/Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, Steve Carlson/Christian Kane
    Disclaimers: Its all pretending, folks. We dont own these people, they own themselves. None of this has ever happened.
    Authors: woodsbaile_02 and debarouchi
    Beta: sammys_grl Thank you so much! ♥
    Rating: NC-17
    Notes/Warnings: This is an emotional angst fest, people; its all about romantic issues. If thats not your cup of tea, you might want to consider skipping this one.
    Summary: Jensen wishes nothing more than to finally have the chance to confess his long-harbored feelings for Jared, but it so happens that his best friend, co-star, and object of his romantic affection is as straight as they comeor is he? Meanwhile, Chris has a little secret of his own that he has managed to hide from Steve throughout their three-year long relationship; what happens when that secret comes to the surface?

    Chapter One * Chapter Two * Chapter Three * Chapter Four * Chapter Five * Chapter Six * Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight - Part A
    Chapter Eight - Part B
    5:00 pm
    You Put Music In My Soul 4/? (Jared/Jensen, Steve/Chris NC17)
    Title: You Put Music In My Soul (4/?)
    Characters/Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, Steve Carlson/Christian Kane
    Disclaimers: Its all pretending, folks. We dont own these people, they own themselves. None of this has ever happened.
    Authors: woodsbaile_02 and debarouchi
    Beta: sammys_grl Thank you so much! ♥
    Rating: NC-17
    Notes/Warnings: This is an emotional angst fest, people; its all about romantic issues. If thats not your cup of tea, you might want to consider skipping this one.
    Summary: Jensen wishes nothing more than to finally have the chance to confess his long-harbored feelings for Jared, but it so happens that his best friend, co-star, and object of his romantic affection is as straight as they comeor is he? Meanwhile, Chris has a little secret of his own that he has managed to hide from Steve throughout their three-year long relationship; what happens when that secret comes to the surface?

    Chapter One * Chapter Two * Chapter Three

    Chapter Four
    5:00 pm
    You Put Music In My Soul 3/? (Jared/Jensen, Steve/Chris NC17)
    Title: You Put Music In My Soul (3/?)
    Characters/Pairings: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, Steve Carlson/Christian Kane
    Disclaimers: Its all pretending, folks. We dont own these people, they own themselves. None of this has ever happened.
    Authors: woodsbaile_02 and debarouchi
    Beta: sammys_grl Thank you so much! ♥
    Rating: NC-17
    Notes/Warnings: This is an emotional angst fest, people; its all about romantic issues. If thats not your cup of tea, you might want to consider skipping this one.
    Summary: Jensen wishes nothing more than to finally have the chance to confess his long-harbored feelings for Jared, but it so happens that his best friend, co-star, and object of his romantic affection is as straight as they comeor is he? Meanwhile, Chris has a little secret of his own that he has managed to hide from Steve throughout their three-year long relationship; what happens when that secret comes to the surface?

    Chapter One * Chapter Two

    Chapter Three
    5:00 pm
    To Better Suit Your Moves (J2 AU)

    Title: To Better Suit Your Moves
    Author: insomnia_geek 
    Pairing: Jared/Jensen, with some Chad/Sophia and JDM/Samantha Ferris
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: explicit m/m sex, language, character bashing, lots of dancing
    Word count: 37,714
    Summary: J2 AU based on the Baz Lurhmann movie Strictly Ballroom. Jared is a champion ballroom dancer who's lost his partner and his passion just weeks before Nationals. Jensen's a beginner who knows music like he breathes but needs a teacher to compete. Neither knew that their partnership of convenience would turn into so much more, or how learning to dance their own steps could uncover secrets long buried. As dance studio politics and their passion both reach a fever pitch, they have to decide what they really want out of life -- winning, or love.

    A/N: I own nothing and intend no infringement or disrespect. This is a work of fiction, not meant to reflect anyone's real life, true personality, or situations. Title from Carlos Santana's Smooth. Written for au_bigbang  2010.

    Artwork created by the wonderfully talented insane_songbird .

    5:00 pm
    Twists and Turns
    Title: Twists and Turns
    Author: tcs1121
    Characters: J2-pre-slash
    Rating: R for the f word
    Word Count: 4600 or so
    Disclaimer: Taking liberties with reality for the sake of fiction
    A/N: Beta'ed by my very dear friend kee I can't tell you what she means to me.

    All remaining mistakes are mine.

    Summary: From roque_clasique's prompt over at the H/C RPF Meme

    J2 AU -- Jensen thought he was signing up for cartooning, but accidentally signed up for ceramics, a class that's pretty damn tough when you've only got one working arm. It's worth it to suffer through it, though, because damn the shaggy-haired wheel-throwing teacher is fine...

    Twists and Turns
    5:00 pm
    The Ones that Can Swallow You Whole (NC-17) Jared/Jensen AU
    Title: The Ones that Can Swallow You Whole
    Author: embroiderama
    Rating: NC-17
    Characters/pairing: Jared/Jensen
    Warning: permanent injury
    Word count: 16,340
    Disclaimer: This is entirely false.
    Summary: A near-drowning has left Jared deeply afraid of water--a big problem considering he lives in a beach town. Jensen's a sailboat-builder who's survived a few things himself.

    Notes: This story is what happened when a random AU prompt from roque_clasique kidnapped my brain. The title is from Dar Williams' "The Ocean." Many thanks to weesta for the beta.


    ( He'd grown up never living more than an hour from the beach, and one of his earliest memories was learning how to swim in a mommy and me class at the YMCA. He could remember his mother telling him to make a chipmunk face and blowing her cheeks out to show him. He'd laughed and laughed and ducked his head under the water, utterly without fear. )
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