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Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

    Time Event
    Setting up account on Dreamwidth
    Originally posted by jj_maccrimmon at Setting up account on Dreamwidth
    Ladies and Gents, all good things...

    Due to the recent ToS changes to Live Journal and the anticipated censorship to follow, I am moving my LJ entries and comments to Dreamwidth. The new account is "JJMacCrimmon" there.

    I will continue to moderate the "abandonedplaces" community to the best of my ability. I will be closing other communities I own.

    After well over a decade this change is bittersweet, but I will not have my thoughts, writings, images and more potentially censored by a government of another country.
    Chernobyl 31 Years Later
    31 a year ago there was an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    Originally posted by b_picture at C4B> G5;>25G5AB2> ?>:8=C;> 5<;N: 31 3>4 =0704 ?@>87>H;0 020@8O =0 '5@=>1K;LA:>9 -!

    Pripyat was once a thriving city, inhabited by 50 000 people. But April 26, 1986, a terrible accident on one of the Chernobyl reactors occurred, and everything changed in one moment.

    After an emergency evacuation, Pripyat was abandoned and now stands deserted, dilapidated and eerie 30 years later. The Chernobyl catastrophe became the first nuclear accident in history to receive the level 7 international nuclear event scale (a second occurred in 2011, at Fukushima-1 "in Japan).


    A whole sea of gas masks, left in an abandoned building whose walls and roof rot and crumble.

    Procedural area in the hospital stands obsolete, tiles flaking from the walls, and daybed surrounded by old abandoned objects.

    Cash register and a glass bottle in an abandoned school cafeteria where the mold is spreading on the walls and tables. Broken Windows remain open forever now.

    Books and newspapers scatter the floor in a mess as a silent reminder of what once was a thriving city of Pripyat.

    An empty hospital ward, of beds in its final rest.

    Drawing books and unfinished pictures scatter the floor on the school classroom together with broken furniture and broken lamps.

    Remnants of everyday life in the once noisy and bustling city located just three kilometers from the nuclear power plant.

    Glass syringes and medical journal left sleep on hospital window sills.

    Pripyat is still closed to visitors due to high levels of radiation, but graffiti decorates the deserted town.

    Instructions for oral hygiene on the school wall. 31 people died directly from the explosion at the reactor, but many people still suffer from cancers from exposure to radiation.

    A derelict kindergarten, dust covers the floor and tables and walls slowly crumble.

    Heartbreak: someone's favourite children's book.

    The old barge rusts, abandoned, completely alone.

    Mariya Semenyuk, a resident of the Chernobyl zone, sitting near the only home she knows with her chickens.

    A man walking past plates with the names of abandoned villages.

    Frighteningly beautiful: the sun shines on the Pripyat forested nature slowly recovers over 30 years.



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