Urban Word of the Day's Journal
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Below are the 15 most recent journal entries recorded in Urban Word of the Day's InsaneJournal:

    Thursday, October 19th, 2023
    3:51 am
    [Chronic] [back pain] from carrying this [big Dick] around
    3:51 am
    not even wrong
    Worse than wrong, being an untestable claim. Originally used by physicist [Wolfgang] [Pauli] to criticize [pseudoscience] even harsher than simple scientific errors:"This is not right. This is not even wrong."
    Monday, October 16th, 2023
    3:58 pm
    [Wahala] is an African word commonly used in Nigeria to express a state of worry, distress, problem or trouble. It is also called pidgin English. Example- "Why you dey give me [wahala]?" which means, Why are you stressing me? or Why are you Troubling me?. Another Example would be, " What is your Wahala" which means, what is your problem?. The word Wahala can also be used in another context like " [No Wahala]". This means, NO problem. If somebody asks you How are you? you can say I dey okay, I no get any Wahala", which means, "[I am fine], I do not have any problem".
    Sunday, October 15th, 2023
    11:04 am
    Rebound Rug
    The neglected, untamed growth that follows after a long, sexless breakup. The victim has typically forgotten until their pants are lowered in front of their new partner, who is unable to see the tree through the forest.

    A.K.A Forest of the Forgotten, Melancholy Mop, Abstinent Overgrowth, Dry Spell [Danglies], Loenely Lettuce, [Wishful] [Willows], Leafy Leftovers
    Saturday, October 14th, 2023
    11:11 am
    Hoodie Gang
    A phrase commonly on TikTok or [Youtube comment] sections on the subject of man circumcision. This phrase is said to give a sense of male uncircumcised [solidarity]. An uncircumcised penis has foreskin on the head, which could be seen as a hoodie; [the hoodie] for the penis.
    Friday, October 13th, 2023
    11:33 am
    A series of two shots, first [whiskey] (typically Jamesons) followed by a shot of [pickle juice]/[brine].
    Thursday, October 12th, 2023
    11:57 am
    Space squid
    Dude that shows up to the bar tripping [on drugs] but is moving with great [rythem] [to the beat]
    Wednesday, October 11th, 2023
    11:24 am
    Tuesday, October 10th, 2023
    1:52 pm
    sleep debt
    lack of sleep, or when [you owe] yourself some rest becasue you have been too busy.

    when you are not getting enough sleep, and need to calculate how much you owe your body

    sleep account is negative, or in the red

    first used by [British airways]
    and also sited on multiple occasions by [lifehacker].com
    1:52 pm
    Disease X
    It's not [Wolverine's] weaknessduh! Disease X is the next big [outbreak] [that'll] be caused by an unexpected source.
    1:52 pm
    the call is coming from inside the house
    when someone says something that is [hypocritical], [metaphor] for [self sabotage]
    1:52 pm
    Having to put one's mouth [over the top] of a newly-opened beer bottle/can in order to prevent [overflow]. Looks quite like a [clumsy] blowjob, hence the name.
    1:52 pm
    Cheeky Wee
    A slang word for taking a [wee], normally were your not supposed to for example, behind a tree or in your best friends [back yard], etc. it is mostly used [in Australia] (the best country) and, Personally it is my favorite type of wee
    1:52 pm
    good damage
    good damage comes from popular show [bojack horseman]. the phrase means damage that helps or contributes to yourself in a positive way. the opposite is bad damage, which only serves to make you an angry, [regretful] person. plain damage fits in there too. plain damage is just the type of trauma and hurt that just stays there, doing virtually nothing. you remember, it hurts, but it doesnt make you better or worse. kind of like how the [meteor] that killed the dinosaurs leaves damage on the earth, but the damage changes little to nothing about the area.
    1:52 pm
    save scumming
    In video games: Manually saving your [game over] and over again (usually before important decisions/[boss battles], etc.) to make sure that if you screw up later on, you can always just return to your most recent [saved game].

    Used in games that allow players to save whenever they want, thus making the game substantially easier because there's no real penalty for messing up, and it lets the player know what to expect ahead.
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