Non-Fluffy Pagans' Journal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in Non-Fluffy Pagans' InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, March 1st, 2011
    12:58 pm
    Can of worms, anyone?

    Short version: Dianics at PantheaCon refuse to allow transwomen into their Lilith ritual, the event is dutifully reported on, Z Budapest spews a bunch of transphobic nonsense, hilarity ensues.

    What do you think, dear NFP?

    Personally, I do not support gender separatism at all; people are people, at core, and sharing is caring, y'all. Genital configuration and social gender presentation aren't enough of a difference for me to suggest that another person cannot understand my own experience. Not to suggest that understanding vastly different experiences is always a walk in the park, but certainly not impossible as some suggest.


    As pointed out by jadeserenity, CAYA has released a statement about the event, clearing up their stance on gender inclusiveness.
    Tuesday, October 4th, 2011
    4:42 pm
    Smudge Sticks
    I decided to grow some white sage this season and I ended up with a HUGE plant. I would very much like to make it into sticks to give to friends and use for myself. Has anyone harvested/wrapped fresh ones before and if you have any tips to share (best time to harvest, types of cord to use, etc.). Any websites would also be a big help.

    Crossposted to naturalliving
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