because nothing says friendship like monkeys' Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in because nothing says friendship like monkeys' InsaneJournal:

    Friday, September 29th, 2023
    4:27 pm
    better belated than never!
    A somewhat belated happy birthday to quietlybemused! I hope you had a great day, m'dear. =D
    4:27 pm
    Haven fic: Not Zebras (G, 1/1)
    Title: Not Zebras
    Author: Shane Vansen
    Category: drabble, post-series
    Spoilers: S5 episodes 8-13ish
    Length: 100 words
    Disclaimer: It's probably best that they're not mine; I'd screw it up. Haven, its characters and storylines, and the overall concept belong to people much more creative than I.
    Summary: When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
    Author's Notes: Not the way I think it's really going to end, but.

    Thanks as always to december21st for the beta.


    When Audrey first starts feeling sick, she and Nathan both kind of panic. The Troubles are fifteen months behind them but they remember the paleness and fatigue after she split from Mara, when her body was essentially coming apart from the inside out. Worried, the first person they go to see is Gloria.

    The M.E. takes Audrey's temperature, draws her blood, and performs some scans, then disappears to run more tests. She leaves with a frown but comes back with a smile.

    "Congratulations," Gloria says, completely sincere, but is quick to add, "But if you think I'm babysitting, think again."

    4:27 pm
    fall tv review
    Before I start, I'm going to pimp sparktober, because today we watched four hours of Atlantis and chatted and it was SO MUCH FUN and you should join us next weekend. And also write Sheppard/Weir fic or make a music vid or create a picspam to share, because it's been a lot of years but that pairing is still so epic.

    Anyway! I've tried out a few new shows, and a few old ones are back, and I have a few minutes to kill, so. (Broad strokes only; no real spoilers)

    Castle: I think I will stop watching, because that was the most ridiculous ending last ep. Seriously, writers?! You butchered that character's, well, character with that ending.

    Sleepy Hollow: I approve the new haircuts. And I grinned a few times and it made me happy to watch. Still waiting to see how I feel about the cast changes, though.

    Minority Report: Watched the first two eps, and I think that's enough for me. They get bonus points for a more multicultural cast than most shows, but I didn't really connect with any of the characters and it annoys me to no end to have a woman in law enforcement wearing clothing that has her boobs popping out while on duty. Dude, she was more covered in the chest area when she was undercover at a club. WTF?

    Blindspot: Has made my list; I quite like this show. When my biggest complaint is that the main male character calls the main female character by her name way more than people use each other's names in real life, then we're good to go. I really like Jane Doe, and Weller's not bad, and Agent Pessimism kind of gets annoying but I suppose someone has to play devil's advocate. And the show was created by Martin Gero, of Atlantis fame, so I have moderate hopes of some familiar faces popping up as guest stars.

    Limitless: A cautious go-ahead, but I can see myself losing interest if they're not careful about keeping the storylines fresh. I like the main character so far but he runs the risk of being one-dimensional.

    Heroes Reborn: I didn't watch Heroes (I remember "save the cheerleader, save the world" (what was that about, anyway??), and that the cheerleader was blonde, and there was a guy named Hiro (?), but that's it) but I gave the premiere a shot. Since I don't know the backstory I don't know if I'll buy into the sequel, but I like... ack, I forget her name, the Asian girl who ends up in a video game? And, surprise, Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski, Chuck) is one of the actors! So I'll watch a little longer, even if he's not as cute as he was with the floppy hair. ;)

    Quantico: I'll watch a couple more episodes before I make a call on this one. I'm not fond of flashback formats, which is how it looks the entire season will play out, and the ending of the premiere seemed rushed and completely unrealistic, but I am curious about the deal with Agent Booth (no, not the one from Bones) so I'm not giving up quite yet.

    What about you guys? What shows are you watching, which ones got the cut, which ones are yet to premiere but you're really looking forward to?
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