F A N S - O F - F I N A L - F A N T A S Y - V I I - Y A O I's Journal
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in F A N S - O F - F I N A L - F A N T A S Y - V I I - Y A O I's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, August 20th, 2013
    8:02 pm
    Sad News
    I am aware that this post goes against so many rules, and for that I'm sorry. However, it is important that everyone knows.

    A member of the FFVII fandom and an ardent lover of fanfiction, Midnight Blue-Sea of Stars, passed away on April 5th of this year. He was known in the fandom for his positivity and love for writing reviews, and I know many of the writers on here who have posted on FFn in the past 5 years have gotten comments from him. He loved debating FFVII and was a beloved member of the GA. He wrote stories, edited stories, RPed, shared his love for this fandom in every way he could. He loved Zack Fair and could spend hours talking about all of the stories he wanted to write, all of the ideas he had, and all of the stories he loved. He would spend hours theorizing about WiPs for his favorite ship (Clack) and the random cracky things that came out of this fandom.

    Midnight was killed after a reckless driver ran a stop sign and crashed into Midnight's car, with Midnight and his little sister in the car. His little sister and the driver of the other vehicle survived, but Midnight passed away due to his injuries.

    This news has only come to light last night, since many of us in fandom try and keep their private and public lives separate. However, it is important that we all remember Midnight for being a shining star in this fandom. His love and dedication will not be forgotten.

    We are currently working with the funeral directors and will be contacting Midnight's family to do something in their son's honor. We aren't quite sure what we plan on doing (we have received ideas ranging from a scholarship to a special memorial plaque) but if anyone is interested, I will have more information available on my Livejournal.

    I'm sorry to bring such terrible news, but Midnight was one of my friends. We met through fanfiction and Clack and I know he would love to know that this fandom would remember him after he had gone.

    Remember Midnight.

    Sunday, August 25th, 2013
    4:16 am

    Hi! I'd like to invite anyone who's interested to take part in the new community, sinsffchallenge!

    It's challenge to write the same pairing for 52 seperate prompt/exercises, and I'm sure all of you are up to the challenge.

    Feel free to stop by and check out the prompts and the rules. Membership is open and the challenge is here for anyone who will take it!

    Ever at your pleasure,

    Monday, October 7th, 2013
    1:30 am
    [Fic] Game Night
    Title: Game Night
    Fandom: FFVII: Crisis Core
    Characters: Cloud, Lazard, Genesis/Sephiroth
    Rating: PG-13
    Word Count: 2730
    Summary: There are games afoot, and Lazard has been running two steps behind his opponents. The help he needs will come from above.

    ( If everyone's playing something different, what kind of penalty is there for breaking the rules? )
    Monday, October 14th, 2013
    5:15 am
    Possible Anthology
    Hi, I'm back again and I might or might not hold a ff7 anthology thingy again this year. I kind of am reluctant, but you know, here goes nothing.

    If you are interested, go here and vote for a theme:

    What is a ff7 anthology thingy? Its like those doujinshi japanese people put together for comic events and stuff. They often have fics, comics, and all that. Click here. to see past anthologies that were put together!
    Friday, October 25th, 2013
    3:50 am
    Title: Conjure
    Fandom: Post Advent Children
    Rating: PG (for now)
    Pairings: Zack/Cloud

    Synopsis: Set after Advent Children: the Planet's savior receives a gift that he could never have dreamed of. Yaoi. ZxC

    Originally posted by fairwindsforall at Conjure
    Hi all!

    And so it begins! Here's the first chapter of my last story, which will be resurrected from this moment forward. You're feedback/ideas are welcome, as always....

    Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VII and all its related characters and ideas belong not to me, but to Square Enix. This writing is purely for pleasure and not for monetary gain.


    Chapter I

    He knew the second he was roused from his sleep&it was one of those days again.

    He awoke with the scent of his shampoo lingering in the air, and the smell of deep forest, steel and lifestream all around him. He could even see the green tendrils of its energy spinning around his head. There was laughter on the air too, a casual amusement that made Cloud even more acutely aware of how much the past haunted him still.

    As Cloud sat up in bed, quick flashes of memories flickered in and out of his line of vision. The unruly hair, the weave of a dark cotton SOLDIER's uniform, the corded arm muscles tapering into large and impossibly strong hands. He could see Zack sitting on the edge of his bed, offhandedly leaning towards him and smiling that disarming smile of his.

    It was on days like this that his apparition was almost tangible, and Cloud wished for nothing more than to be able to reach out and actually find comfortingly solid flesh and bone instead of thin air.

    But Cloud knew better than to wish.

    Instead, he rose from his makeshift bed and began to fix himself breakfast with a ghost. And in his mind the grinning Zack followed him.

    He sometimes found comfort in Zack's presence, but more often than not he regretted taking up the man's time even in death. As his best friend and only confidant, Zack had given himself shamelessly to Cloud while they were in Midgar, and then sacrificed himself after Nibelheim. And for that, Cloud had assured Zack he would live for the both of them.

    But that promise had gone flying straight out the window along with what little social skills he possessed. And now Cloud lived in this makeshift cabin in this middle of nowhere, deep in a forest - alone. He had brought few things with him from Midgar when he moved. His materia that he recovered from the remnants, his weapons and their cleaning kits, and the buster sword - which he felt he could no longer leave outside to rust. For years it had stood where Zack had fallen, but Cloud became reluctant to watch the deterioration of that grand weapon at the same place where his SOLDIER friend had given it to him during his final moments.

    He had once wished to become a SOLDIER - a hero just like Zack, and now Cloud was the savior of the Planet. Except that his path to glory was not as he had ever imagined it. There was no steady, predictable climb through the Shinra military to become a high-class warrior like those he emulated. Instead, his journey was a torturous and bloody one. He lost his closest friends, and killed the man he looked up to. He was captured and experimented on, unwillingly treated with lifestream and Jenova cells to raise his weak body's prowess to that of a SOLDIER's level. And then he saved the world, twice over. Yet still he hated himself for being so weak - weak enough to always need protection from those who were dead.

    Cloud reasoned retrospectively that he could never have cut it in the military. He had been too short, too small, and too graceless. So he predictably failed the entrance exams. And that was despite the extra training from a 1st class SOLDIER. One who was always "picking up strays", as Zack's many friends had termed that peculiar quirk.

    It was that same SOLDIER, too, who sought to make Cloud's depressing life in Midgar livable even though he was a failed cadet - one who couldn't perform well to save his life or anyone else's.

    Zachary Fair had made the time for him, always.

    And in the end, he had died for him.

    And now here Cloud was, years after Zack's death, unable to let the man go. It wasn't a conscious effort - many times he regretted seeing his old friend so clearly. It just brought the pain and guilt back so sharply. If he had it his way, he supposed that Zack would be resting in the lifestream with Aerith, and Cloud would be alone with his less ephemeral thoughts.

    He found it amusing that the experiments that had made him strong enough to save the Planet were also keeping him alive and almost ageless to face his regrets. And for longer than any normal person had to suffer. He really hadn't aged a day since exiting Hojo's lab with Zack. But every day since then, he had remembered and repented. Sometimes he wished he didn't have to think about it anymore and often welcomed the thought of death. But Cloud doubted the Ancients would let him rest even after dying.

    As he wandered to the opposite end of the small cabin to gather supplies for his meal, Zack silently dogged his every step. His vision of his friend was communicating less and less nowadays. Cloud wondered if that was because he was forgetting what Zack sounded like, but he knew that could never be true. His memories of his friend were as stark and realistic as ever, and he cherished each one.

    Cloud reached to pick up a pot and the bland mash that almost reminded him of standard issue rations. As he started a fire in the hearth, he glanced to see Zack still close by, leaning against the wall with his feet crossed at the ankles and his arms crossed at his chest. He was still smiling, but it was a sad, pitying smile. And it made Cloud shameful to know that he still invoked sympathy from his best friend.

    I suppose I'll never be anything but a head case. Feeling an acute self-loathing, Cloud quickly decided he needed to get away from that look before he threw himself against the buster sword in the corner. He swung the boiling pot out of the fire and all but ran out the cabin door, looking back to note that Zack's ghost had stayed where it was.

    Outside it was raining hard and the drops falling from the dark morning sky were as large and heavy as they usually were in a forest, rolling off the trees and gaining mass by joining together. The rain pounded against his face and chest and Cloud kept on running, finding some comfort in the numbing drum of water. The moist scent of musk and pine was sharp in the air, and the blanket of dead needles and leaves on the forest floor dampened his heavy footfalls. As he ran, he saw visions of Zack in Midgar, in the mountains, in Nibelheim. Cloud's head began to ache with the memories as he tried to steady his pace and his raging thoughts. His breathing quickly became ragged, and green wisps of energy started floating up from the forest floor.

    Cloud smelled lifestream all around him.

    Something was amiss. There were no pockets of lifestream in this area; he had made sure of that before settling in. Cloud began to hear the voices of the Ancients in his head as well, chanting unintelligibly. He stopped for a moment, bent double with the sounds and sights crashing around in his head. His skin began to tingle with their power, and Cloud felt nauseated as the world began to spin.

    And then it all went silent&and he felt himself falling.


    When he awoke, he saw a blurry Zack kneeling over him with concern written all over his face. Cloud sighed internally, knowing that he wasn't escaping any of his ghosts today. As he made a move to sit up, he noted that his head felt like it had been struck by a summons and that there was an exceptionally strong ringing in his ears.

    Zack's lips were moving but all Cloud heard was a garbled mush of sound.

    Cloud steadied himself on one elbow while his vision came into focus. Zack looked as he always did, strong and safe and confident. And real. As his stomach tightened at the sight, Cloud wished that he didn't always look so real. It wasn't right.

    As he turned his body to sit up, Cloud moaned as another wave of nausea passed. The lifestream rarely disturbed him this much anymore, and it had been a long time since he had experienced their after-effects.

    Zack steadied him with a firm hand on his back.

    That's impossible! Cloud felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise as he turned to look at his friend. The rain that was still falling was bouncing off Zack's armor, and running down his spiky hair to drip on his face: rain that should have been running right through him.

    The Planet's savior suddenly felt weaker, even as he began to hear what his somehow solid friend was saying.

    "Cloud? Hey, I know you missed me but come on! The damsel in distress act doesn't suit you buddy! Are you alright?"

    Cloud reached out to place a shaking hand on the SOLDIER's face, and when it contacted the solid and warm skin and bone of his best friend, he looked into Zack's glowing mako eyes and promptly fainted dead away.


    To be continued...

    Thank you for reading! Please review, I love to know what my readers think!
    Monday, November 4th, 2013
    11:26 pm
    Counter Crisis - Chapter 11
    x-posted to myprettypuppet

    Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII (FFVII, Advent Children, Crisis Core, Before Crisis, Dirge of Cerberus)
    Pairing: Established Zack/Aerith, Eventual Sephiroth/Cloud (Subject to possible additions)
    Rating: Teen (Subject to change)
    Warnings: Violence, Language, Pretty much what you'd expect from FFVII. (Subject to additions)
    Genre: Time Travel, AU, Action/Adventure, Drama, Friendship, Romance.
    Summary: At first it was about preventing tragedy. For Cloud it soon becomes a fight to protect new bonds, tread untrod paths and find happy endings. Second chances aren't always easy in a time where ghosts live and heroes are human.

    Start reading Here.

    ( Chapter 11 - Crisis of Countermeasures )
    Friday, November 8th, 2013
    3:40 am
    New Chapter! A SOLDIER's Weapon
    Title: A SOLDIER's Weapon
    Author: oniko_inuki
    Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
    Rating: M
    Summary: There is a mysterious new SOLDIER at ShinRa. Sephiroth searches for the truth about Cloud Strife, ShinRa, and himself, while being haunted by the possibilities of darker futures. AC!Cloud/Young!Sephiroth

    ( Chapter Twenty )
    ( Chapter Nineteen )
    ( Chapter One )
    Tuesday, November 26th, 2013
    5:35 pm
    New Chapter! A SOLDIER's Weapon
    Title: A SOLDIER's Weapon
    Author: oniko_inuki
    Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
    Rating: M
    Summary: There is a mysterious new SOLDIER at ShinRa. Sephiroth searches for the truth about Cloud Strife, ShinRa, and himself, while being haunted by the possibilities of darker futures. AC!Cloud/Young!Sephiroth
    Friday, December 20th, 2013
    4:47 pm
    New Chapter: A SOLDIER's Weapon
    Title: A SOLDIER's Weapon
    Author: oniko_inuki
    Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
    Rating: M
    Summary: There is a mysterious new SOLDIER at ShinRa. Sephiroth searches for the truth about Cloud Strife, ShinRa, and himself, while being haunted by the possibilities of darker futures. AC!Cloud/Young!Sephiroth
    Sunday, March 30th, 2014
    7:11 am
    Tuesday, April 29th, 2014
    5:02 pm
    Gossamer and Spidersilk Reposted on AO3
    Title: Gossamer and Spidersilk
    Authors: superkalifragi and chephren
    Rating: M, most definitely!
    Pairing: Tseng and Yazoo
    Characters: Yazoo, Sephiroth, Tseng, Genesis, Angeal, Vincent, Rufus
    Summary: The prince of the fairy kingdom yearns to see the forbidden and dangerous world outside.... Will fortune smile upon him, or will he find himself folly's plaything?

    Warning: This fic is extremely AU. We have taken our favorite bishis and thrown them into the situation to see what will happen, but had great fun doing so, and we hope you enjoy!

    Thank you so much to everyone for your lovely comments the first go around! <3<3<3

    Gossamer and Spidersilk
    Monday, September 22nd, 2014
    8:28 am
    So... guys. Have you seen the new Cloud illustration that Nomura did for the FFVII G-Bike game? Look at that outfit omg. Cloud is such a dork. But a sexy dork.

    Aaaaaand I've already written smut inspired by said outfit. Too soon??

    I make no claims of quality, since I wrote this in a single evening and with a noted amount of alcohol consumption. And cackling. Lots and lots of cackling. This made me laugh so hard trying to write. XD But I'm posting it here anyway, because a) the comm has been far too quiet and it is sad, b) I am shameless, and c) because the resulting fic is so ridiculous (and hopefully just a little hot as well).

    ....Bwahahahahahahahaha. Hahaha. Omg. Sorry. This thing is just.... hahahahahaaa. *wipes away tears* Enjoy.

    Rating: NC17
    Wordcount: ~1200
    Pairing: Cloud solo (sort of Cloud/Fenrir).
    Warnings: Masturbation and general smuttiness.

    ( To be fair, it had made sense to pick the outfit at the time. )
    Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014
    10:59 pm
    Hey if you love Reno x Rude .. and the Turks!
    Come join us here:   turkslash

    We are brand new and we will be ACTIVE!   :)

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