HP Flavoured Crack.'s Journal
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Below are the 19 most recent journal entries recorded in HP Flavoured Crack.'s InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, October 21st, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Daisy-Gram, by becisvolatile
    Title: Daisy-Gram
    Author: becisvolatile
    Word Count: 3589 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: here
    Pairing: Katie Bell/Marcus Flint
    Rating: R
    Author's Summary: Katie has until midnight to find Marcus& or the Niffler gets it!!
    Author's Website: Bec's fic library
    Why everyone should read this:
    Katie is a so-called daisy-gram witht a very fitting uniform, ordered to find Marcus Flint and deliver a message to him. Imagining her in that custome alone is funny, add the crack-fic elements and you have a true comedy on your hands. If you're in the mood for a funny story, this is the one for you. It's a hilarious story that will have you laugh aloud at certain parts and snigger at least at others.

    Katie was about to do something stupid. Really stupid. Put-your-hand-on-a-hotplate-and-say-ow-when-you-get-burned stupid.

    The fact that she was getting paid to be stupid didnt really ease the pain. This was her job. It was the only job she could get in the turbulent social climate. Voldemort was back, Quidditch seasons were cancelled across the country, leaving her only marketable talent useless, and she really needed the money.

    Its not like she had anything better to be doing on Valentines Day anyway. Well, that was a lie; she could be sitting at home sticking her wand in her eye and practising her conjunctivitis charms. That might be more fun, possibly smarter too.

    Four galleons an hour? Thats what this sort of bone-deep, hideous, nauseating mortification was worth? Katie looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a green spandex suit that covered every inch of her, yet seemed to conceal nothing. She caught sight of her bottom; possibly she could have done without that last bag of Bertie Botts Beans. Around her neck was a massive ring of plush yellow petals.

    She was a human flower. A Daisy-Gram. A walking, dancing, magic, singing message, spreading love and revolting sentiment for the day.

    Would somebody please kill her? Where was a pack of rabid Death Eaters when you needed them?
    Sunday, October 22nd, 2017
    7:01 am
    FIC: Feat. Char: Astoria Greengrass - "Astoria Malfoy's Guide to Good Housekeeping"
    Title: "Astoria Malfoy's Guide to Good Housekeeping"
    Gaining Access: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5138438
    Author: enchantedteapot
    Word Count: 1,243
    Alternate Links to Fic: http://nextgendarkfest.livejournal.com/58599.html
    Pairing: Astoria Greengrass, implied Draco/Rose, Scorpius/Rose
    Rating: Mature (Hard R)
    Author's Summary: Red stains on the carpet, white stains on the sheets. It really is all such a terrible mess.
    Author's Website: on AO3, on Livejournal

    Why everyone should read this:
    I love dark fic around the Halloween season, and this story delivers a fantastic post-incident psychological horror punch to the gut.

    The story takes place after an incident that ends in Draco and Rose's murders, and Astoria is left cleaning up the mess. Pretty much, that's it. It's short and to the point, but it is an excellent character analysis in such few words. Here you really get a feel for who Astoria has become as a result of her husband's multiple infidelities over the years: she's an ice-queen, cynical and lacking any empathy. Yet, the author has done an amazing job in just a few words of making you feel her indifference in Draco's and Rose's brutal ends is justified. By contrast, she's motherly and kind to her beloved son, whose rage at his lover's and father's betrayal resulted in their violent end. Astoria's solution as to how to clean up the mess in the end is coldbloodedly inspired.

    If you're a lover of dark fic, too, give this one a whirl. Read/review it for the author, and let her know it was a job well done!


    The rug is ruined - she can see that from where she stands, unmoving in the doorway. The ominous dark puddle will have seeped through to the floorboards and no cleaning charm or House Elf in this world could save it now. The bed linen she's disinclined to be so callous with, though. That particular set is Egyptian cotton, after all.
    She takes a deep breath and toys with her wedding ring. There is a tang to the air, something metallic and wholly unpleasant which catches at the back of her throat and threatens with rising bile. She swallows quickly and decides to make quick work of the task at hand, lest her own stomach contents add to the list of bodily fluids she rather wishes she'd not encountered already this evening.
    She takes a step into the room and pauses, wand in hand. Where to begin?
    Wednesday, October 25th, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Wanting, by Skysage
    Title: Wanting
    Author: skysage
    Word Count: 3090 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: none
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: NC-17
    Author's Summary: Poor Marcus is left alone to his own devices. So he does the only thing he can do... only he's not quite as alone as he thought...
    Author's Website: Author's fic list
    Why everyone should read this:
    First of all, like my very first rec for this month, this story too was recced by Angylinni here. And like 'Fallen Angel', the link given at the time no longer works as Chasers does no longer exist.

    Why rec this again? Because it's pure smut and most of us need that now and then. Hot and steamy, and it's not-often-used dynamic reversal with this pairing. Katie is in charge, all the way!

    Slipping further down the chair so that his arse was almost off the edge, he pushed his boxers down just far enough to pull his hardening cock free. He couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped his lips as he wrapped his hand around its thick length, pleasure seeping up his nerves and into his brain. Lightly, he smoothed his thumb over the head of his cock, wetting it with the precum starting to leak from the tip. Like this, he could almost pretend that it was Katie's tongue teasing him just before she was about to deep throat him...

    "Fuck... Katie..."

    The images and memories blotted out reality, and it was no longer his hand, but hers stroking him, teasing him. She was there, looking up at him, wanting him, needing him just as badly as he needed her. Teeth clenching, he tightened his grip, pumping faster, his other hand reaching down to cup his balls. He wanted her... oh, sweet Merlin, how he wanted her. He found himself whispering aloud the things he would say to her if she were here, things he knew would make her hot and wet for him. He knew how she loved it when he kept talking to her, telling her what he thought and felt at that very moment. Better yet, he knew how she'd feel when he told her these things, how she'd clench around him, back arching, head thrown back as she screamed...
    Sunday, October 29th, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Wildflowers, by kereia
    Title: Wildflowers
    Author: kereia
    Word Count: 6564 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: @ The Petulant Poetess, login required
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: NC-17
    Author's Summary: Following Voldemorts defeat, Katie Bell hurries to Azkaban to liberate her grandmother. To her surprise, she learns that a friendship has sprung up between her and Marcus Flint, who has spent the past five months as a prisoner in the cell across from her.
    Author's Website: Author's fic list
    Why everyone should read this: This story was written for the Smutty Clause exchange some odd years back and of course, the smut is hot and heavy and leaves you wanting. However, the story is more than smut. For a majority of it, in fact, is a lovely read about prejudices, rebuilding after the war, and UST. The squabbles between Katie and Marcus are just spot on, and such a delight to read. And Venerity, the grandmum, is truly a match-making old hag, to put it in Katie's words.

    By mid-summer, Katie and her grandmother had restored the house to its former amiable atmosphere. When Veneritys brother had taken up residence at Bardon House, an Edwardian mansion with extensive grounds along the channel, he and his wife had redecorated everything according to their baroque taste, and Venerity had been horrified when shes first walked into the door.

    This place is starting to feel like home again, Venerity said wistfully.

    Katie laughed quietly and tied the sash around the last curtain in the sitting room. Yes, it is. Now, we only need to sort out the garden. She tried not to groan. Even though her spell work had been more than sufficient to restore the house, gardening had never been her forte, and her dread was directly proportional to the vast size of the mansions grounds.

    However, to Katies surprise, Venerity only patted her hand and said, Dont you worry about that, dear. I already hired a gardener.

    Really? Katies eyebrows rose. Someone I know?

    A musical note echoed through the entrance hall, alerting them to a visitor at the door. Her grandmother nodded before she turned away and marched towards the hall. Marcus, she said.

    For one moment Katie froze, then, she hurried after her. Marcus? Marcus Flint?

    Do we know any other? Venerity asked with studied casualness.
    Wednesday, November 1st, 2017
    1:00 pm
    ART: Feat. Char: Ron Weasley. Nom nom Won Won, by redheadsarehot
    Title: Nom nom Won Won
    Work safe?: Barely
    Gaining Access: n/a
    Artist: redheadsarehot
    Alternate Links to Art: none that I could find
    Character: Ron Weasley
    Rating: R (NSFW)
    Artist's Website: @ Deviantart
    Why you chose this piece: It seemed like the best opener for my recs of one of the most underrated characters within the fandom, Ronald Bilius Weasley. The piece itself is the cover for the May 2010 edition of Play Witch. That should give you an idea about what to expect. Its a simple but oh so hot cover. It's what you don't see that makes it delicious. It would be an utter waste to pass up on the chance to promote it, even after all these years. The art (the whole journal, tbh) wont disappoint you, promise!
    Saturday, November 4th, 2017
    10:00 am
    FIC: Feat. Char: Ron Weasley. the last son, by dirgewithoutmusic
    Title: the last son
    Gaining Access: n/a
    Author: dirgewithoutmusic
    Word Count: 13051 words, one-shot complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: According to the author it should be on their Tumblr, I wasn't able to locate it, though.
    Character: Ron Weasley
    Rating: GEN

    Author's Summary: On the train platform, Harry suffered a hug from Remus, a hair ruffle from Sirius, and a "don't do anything I wouldn't do" from his mother, and then he ran for the brick wall, cart rattling before him. The snowy owl they'd gotten him hooted softly in protest. Harry had named her Ororo after the Muggle comic books his mother had introduced him to. Lily took Harry to the comic store every time he sat through a whole visit with his aunt, uncle, and cousin and didn't kick anybody unless they kicked him first.

    Bill tried to wipe some dirt off a dodging Ron's nose. Ginny complained loudly about being left behind. Fred and George ran off to see Lee Jordan's spider. People watched the Weasleys from all directions--they were hard to miss--and Ron's shoulders slowly rose up and up to his reddening ears. He missed the big empty orchards behind the Burrow already.

    Ron was one of the last people on the train. He slid past staring eyes and finally stepped himself into an almost unoccupied compartment-- there was just one small boy tucked in there. He had messy dark hair, slightly askew round glasses, and a comic book held up in front of his nose.

    "Is it okay if I sit here?" said Ron. "Everywhere else is full."

    Author's Website: @AO3, @Tumblr

    Why everyone should read this: According to the author, this piece was written in answer to the prompt: "what if Ron was the Chosen One?".

    In little over 13k words, the author takes on a journey to show us how much would have changed if that had been the case. And at the same, they manage to show us how nothing changed at all. People still die, children still grow up as orphans seven of them in this universe, and Voldemort still needs to be taken out for good.

    The story is an emotional rollercoaster, youll cry and laugh, and curse in agony at the unfairness of it all. I could spend a few hundreds of words to describe how good this story is, but Id risk giving away too much. This is one of those stories that you have to experience for yourself, soak up the words during your first read, and let them settle during round two. Theres certain melancholy thats woven into the story that takes a hold of you and doesnt let go until youre done reading.

    If you have an some time and tissues to waste, this is the one to waste them on.

    Ron turned the Stone three times in his hand. Harry had the Cloak, and Hermione had won rights to the Elder Wand, disarming Draco in a skirmish-- but Dumbledore had left Ron the Stone. He turned it three times and his ghosts stepped into view.

    "Ron," Molly Weasley said, squeezing insubstantial hands together, and Ron looked at her standing there. She was plump and short, with flushed cheeks and a wand shoved through her bunned-up hair. He had seen her in a dozen pictures, beaming and scolding and napping, and he wasn't sure if this felt worse because it was just another picture, or because it wasn't.

    "Hi, Mum," he said. "I'm sorry."

    "What for?" Molly said hotly, like she was Percy in a temper, and Ron almost smiled. "You haven't got anything to be sorry for, sweetheart."

    Her hair-- Arthur's, Bill's, Fred's-- it should have been red, but it was a listless silver. He could see the trees through them, the drooping pine needles and whispering leaves. Ginny could always tell Fred and George apart, but Ron never could-- except that now Fred looked so young. George had been growing and growing, outliving him, and he would go on outgrowing him forever.

    "He's alright," said Fred. "Isn't he?"

    And Ron nodded, because he was bad at lying aloud.
    Tuesday, November 7th, 2017
    2:55 pm
    FIC: Feat. Char: Ron Weasley. The One Who Loves You The Most, by EruditeWitch
    Title: The One Who Loves You The Most
    Gaining Access: n/a
    Author: EruditeWitch
    Word Count: 17536 words, one-shot complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: @FFN, ronbingbang
    Characters: Ron Weasley(/Hermione), Rose Weasley(/OC)
    Rating: M
    Author's Summary: Ron struggles with fatherhood and raising a daughter while Rose struggles with demons no young woman should have to face in this chronicle of Ron and Roses relationship.
    Author's Website: @FFN, eruditefics, [personal profile] eruditefics

    Why everyone should read this: This is a very moving piece about father-daughter relationships, sickness, and bullying. The author has perfectly portrayed Rose and Ron's emotions as she takes us along on their journey to find a way to make the best of the situation they are facing. It isnt an easy journey, nor a pleasant one. In fact, the anger and frustrations just will build up at times, and youll want to throttle a character or two. I honestly forgot how mean teen girls could be to each other until I read this story.

    However, dont let that deter you from reading this story. If anything, it should be the reason to read it, just to remind ourselves that bullying is never okay. There are good parts in there too, of course, Rons excitement at becoming a father, his undying love for Rose, and determination to give her the world more than makes up for the bad parts.

    Ron threw the overbearing textbook against the wall of Hermiones study with alarming force.

    A few days ago, he and Hermione sat Rose down and offered her any wig she wants, anything she chose to take the place of her own absent hair. Roses face lit up brightly, turned to Ron, and smiled and excited, hopeful smile.

    I want hair just like Daddys.

    Since then, Ron had been finding a way to grow his own hair, to make the perfect replica for his daughter to wear&to feel less out of place in the world. He was hitting dead end after dead end. Nowhere in any of Hermiones vast expanses of useless facts, or her collection of books, or even his mothers knowledge of home remedies did they find a solution for permanent and good quality hair growth. Rose would either end up having to drink a potion every day, or he would have to cast a spell on her smooth little head.

    Ron sighed and slammed his head against the thick wooden desk.

    You know, youll still be her hero, no matter what you do, Hermione said with mirth in her voice, tip toeing around the tossed book to set a steaming mug of cocoa down in front of him. Chocolate, in this case, was more appropriate than tea.

    Maybe now, but what happens when someone makes fun of her? What happens when they stare too long at her and she realizes how different she really is? Ron said, thinking of all the ways his daughter could be hurt by the world.

    Well never let her feel that way, Ron, Hermione said, her dark eyes so steeled with determination that Ron felt instantly more hopeful than he did a few moments ago. He kissed her soundly, lingering long enough to taste the whipped cream on her lips.

    He knew what he had to do.
    Sunday, September 24th, 2017
    7:42 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Draco/Hermione - "Lovers and Liars" by eilonwy (eilonwy1)
    Title: "Lovers and Liars"
    Gaining Access: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11812929?view_full_work=true
    Author: eilonwy (eilonwy1)
    Word Count: ~18.7K
    Alternate Links to Fic: n/a
    Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
    Rating: Mature (PG-15/R)
    Author's Summary: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Hermione is determined never to make the same mistake again that she’d made once with Draco Malfoy. When he waltzes back into her life after a year’s absence, her resolve is put to the test.
    Author's Website: on Livejournal, on AO3

    Why everyone should read this:
    Eilonwy never fails to deliver a tale that entertains, pulls at your heartstrings, and makes you want to re-read it over and over again. Here, she's done it again!

    Written for the 2017 dramione_remix fest, her prompt was Beatrice and Benedict from "Much Ado About Nothing" by Shakespeare. Here, Hermione and Draco were in business partners and in love, but his fear of commitment led Draco into a series of bad decisions that ended everything between them a year before the story begins. Neither of them could forget the other, however. Their meddling, well-intentioned friends (Blaise, Theo, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Padma, Lavender, and Ron) all decide to get the two back together with a series of cleverly scripted lies dropped at just the right time. Will it be enough, however, to break through Hermione's anger and resentment and to give a shot of much-needed courage to Draco?

    Three chapters packed with wonderful plot, gorgeous descriptions, and characters you'll fall in love with for all their foibles. Definitely, give this one a read and a review! Don't forget to 'favourite' it, too, yeah?


    The post would be there soon, she noted, glancing at her watch. She’d been expecting a shipment of an especially rare floral compound from Bali, used by native people for centuries. It was one she’d read about with great excitement, because its properties, derived from the Frangipani flower, were alleged to be powerful healers.

    The “Open” sign was in the door and now it only remained for the first customers to wander in. It was a lovely, bright morning, a fine day for strolling about the town. Surely it wouldn’t be long.

    Right on time, the postman arrived, bearing the much-anticipated parcel. Eagerly, Hermione tore open the wrapping and began to examine the literature accompanying the compound, which was tightly stoppered in a small, purple vial.

    “Bali, eh? What’ve you got there?”

    Startled, Hermione’s head snapped up and she found herself looking her ex-lover in the eye. So much for “never.” Crap. How could she have been so careless? She’d warded her flat, but in her haste, she’d forgotten all about the shop. Setting the vial down, she laced her fingers together and gazed at him coolly.

    “What are you doing here? Slumming?”

    One eyebrow and a corner of Draco’s mouth lifted in a barely perceptible half smile. “Hardly,” he drawled. “The place actually looks decent. Better than decent.”

    Hermione’s eyes narrowed. “Gosh, thanks. I’m overwhelmed. Answer the question, Malfoy.”

    “Haven’t I? Yes, well, I’ve come to inspect the premises.” He smiled pleasantly, his cool, grey eyes betraying only amusement at the joke she didn’t yet understand.

    “Inspect the…?” She began to laugh. “You’ve really lost the plot, Malfoy. You have no reason to ‘inspect the premises,’ as you put it. You have no interest in it anymore, remember? You sold your half to me.”

    “Ah, yes. True enough. But I do own the building now. Which makes me –”

    “My landlord.” Hermione’s voice was flat with disbelief.

    Tuesday, September 26th, 2017
    6:30 pm
    ART: Gen, Hagrid and Aragog, by feliciacano
    Title: Hagrid and Aragog
    Work safe?: Yes
    Artist: feliciacano
    Alternate Links to Art: n/a
    Character: Rubeus Hagrid, Aragog
    Rating: GEN
    Artist's Website: DeviantArt
    Why you chose this piece: This is such a lovely piece of a young Hagrid and an even younger Aragog. The artist has done a fine job of portraying a boy in a man's body and his beloved pet. The artist's other works (most, if not all GEN) are also very beautiful and well done, it was very dificult to choose just one. Their gallery with artwork based on various fandoms is worth the time to explore.
    Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
    7:01 am
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Draco/Hermione - "Soil and Twigs" by MrBenzedrine (mrbenzedrine89)
    Title: "Soil and Twigs"
    Gaining Access: https://dramione-duet.livejournal.com/83210.html
    Author: MrBenzedrine mrbenzedrine89
    Word Count: ~7K
    Alternate Links to Fic: n/a
    Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
    Rating: Explicit (NC-17/MA)
    Author's Summary: Hermione meets with a mysterious man at night in exchange for information pertaining to the War.
    Author's Website: on Livejournal, on Fanfiction, on AO3, on Facebook

    Why everyone should read this:
    MrBenzedrine writes some of the most compelling stories for this fandom, and some of the most romantic and gorgeous sex scenes, too! This story delivers on every level.

    Written for the 2017 dramione_duet Fic Exchange, this is the tale of an older Hermione who is now leader of the Order after Harry has fallen and the rebellion is scattered. Desperate for any ideas on how she can defeat Voldemort, she accepts an anonymous invitation by a member of the Dark Army to meet in secret for an information exchange. Her payment for that vital intel is agreed to be made in sexual favours. Little does she know, those 'favours' are all for her benefit, as her mysterious lover sees to her pleasure first and foremost. With each subsequent exchange, he awakens more and more of the woman within her who had been sublimated by war for too many years. As a result, her feelings for him become more convoluted. Then, even as she begins to unravel his identity, he begins to retreat, sure that if she ever discovers that he is Draco Malfoy, her one-time tormentor and a hated member of the Death Eaters, she'd come to despise him for tricking her in the first place.

    The sexual connection between these two is undeniable from the start. Their attraction is insanely hot, but it's the emotional tie that grows between them over time that you can sense and see which makes this piece compelling. My only wish is that, someday, MrBenzedrine might consider expanding this tale with a revised edition of it to give us a few more scenes in the middle...but then, I'm greedy for a well-written smutty Dramione.

    Please give this story a read and review!


    A thumb grazed along her lower lip, protruding it slightly.

    “You’re prettier than what I expected.”

    Had he been expecting her? Or did he mean in generality? Hermione refused to ask, choosing instead to remain silent as that thumb teased over her lower lip again.

    “It would be so easy, you know.”

    “What would?” she found herself asking.

    “To betray you.”

    Her body tensed under the weight of his words, and his lips curled back in a satisfied smirk.

    “Lucky for me, you won’t do that, will you?” she whispered, eyes glancing up to the hood, wishing she could see more of his face. Just an inkling of who he was, and she could turn this all around. Still, for how intimidating this situation was, she didn’t feel as unsettled as she’d expected to be. Maybe it was the calming draught she took before coming. Maybe it was because he hadn’t shoved his hands inside of her robes yet. Either way, even though he was the one in control, Hermione didn’t get the impression. He was just as nervous about this as she was - wasn’t that interesting?

    12:36 pm
    FIC: Feat. Char: Percy Weasley, Percy/Harry. Worth Waiting For, by juniperus
    Title: Worth Waiting For
    Author: juniperus
    Word Count: 1874
    Alternate Links to Fic: None that I can find
    Pairing: Percy Weasley/Harry Potter
    Rating: NC-17
    Author's Summary: One chapter ended in Harry's life, another begun.
    Author's Website: Ao3 and juniperus
    Why everyone should read this: It is an absolute crime that this fic doesn't have very many hits on Ao3. This is a brilliant pairing, and the author writes them SO well!
    Older characters in HP are usually a good source for angst and sexy times, and this doesn't disappoint. Perrcy is loyal, and patient, and formal, and just everything that I love about him.
    Percy's face took on a look of utmost seriousness. "I love you. I would have remained standing to the side, patiently, no matter how long it took for you to have the talk with Ginny, to explain to the children, to move out of the house, to, to... finally sign the divorce scroll," he trailed off and cleared his throat. "I love my sister, but I know how she is. I know it has taken as much courage to cease playing at what she, and Mother, and the rest of the family think you should be as it took to stand up against Voldemort. I have never doubted your devotion to your family and I'll call anyone who does a liar." Percy's gaze softened as he smoothed the hair off Harry's brow and cupped his cheek. "I have waited many years for you, Harry, and I would have waited forever if necessary."

    Harry's eyes began to fill as he looked at Percy in wonder. "Shhh," Percy whispered as his deft thumb caressed a tear from Harry's cheek, "come with me."

    Percy took Harry's hand and backed slowly through the room. As they approached a hallway near the foyer, Percy stopped and kneeled. Methodically, he untied Harry's shoes, removing them gently, one at a time, and placing them neatly next to his own on a mat just inside the door. He smiled as he looked up and took Harry's hand in his, again, as he made his way down the hall. At a dark doorway he paused and raised his chin slightly. "Harry?" Percy's voice faltered.

    "Yes, Percy," Harry said, answering the unspoken question. "Yes. Please." Percy drew him the rest of the way into the room and a single candle on the bed stand lit with his muttered "Lumos."
    Saturday, September 30th, 2017
    7:01 am
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Draco/Hermione - "The Ghost and Ms. Granger" and "We Need To Talk About Amos"
    Title: "The Ghost and Ms. Granger" and its sequel, "We Need To Talk About Amos"
    Gaining Access: http://dramionelove.livejournal.com/161142.html, http://dramionelove.livejournal.com/178223.html
    Author: ningloreth
    Word Count: ~1K & ~2.3K + photo manips (SFW)
    Alternate Links to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7625869, https://archiveofourown.org/works/11438628
    Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
    Rating: MA (NC-17)
    Author's Summary 1st part: Hermione's best friend is transparent.
    Author's Summary 2nd part: There are too many people in Draco and Hermione’s marriage.
    Author's Website: on Livejournal, on AO3

    Why everyone should read this:
    Originally written as a one-shot for the 2016 dramionelove Mini Fest, ningloreth wrote the sequel for the 2017 dramionelove Mini Fest. This two-part fic (possibly more in the future, if we can talk our dearest author into it!) is a hilarious, sexy romp through Draco and Hermione's relationship, which is haunted by a charming 16th-century ghost, whose spirit is confined to the bookshop Hermione procured and now runs. With her living quarters above the store, Amos is literally a fixture in her and Draco's romantic lives...which turns out to be both a blessing and problematic for the sexually adventuresome duo.

    Ningloreth is one of my go-to fic writers for this ship. She's well-known for her originality, her solid pacing and comedic timing, and for delivering a Draco and Hermione you always fall in love with. Her manips are truly inspired as well -- racy and devilishly clever! This story has a totally original plot, is short enough to get through quickly, will make you laugh out loud, and is filled with hot sex. A perfect 'quickie' that will leave you coming back again and again to re-read!

    Give this one a go and leave her a review for both stories, if you would be so kind!

    Excerpt from "The Ghost and Ms. Granger":

    “I'm the owner,” I say, and Amos—floating silently behind Malfoy’s back—bristles, because I may have bought the shop from one of his great-great-grand-descendants but, as far as Amos is concerned, he's still the boss.

    Malfoy, meanwhile, is scanning the shelves.

    “What I'm looking for,” he begins, then stops abruptly, and glances behind him. “Has anyone ever told you they felt a presence in here, Granger?”

    Amos, who’s moved in perfect time with the back of Malfoy's head, looks like he might be planning to answer with a bit of poltergeisting. I change his mind with a warning glare.

    “No,” I say, firmly.

    “Funny,” he says.

    Excerpt from "We need to talk about Amos":

    “I’ve bought it for you,” says Draco, taking an old, iron key from his magically extended breast pocket and holding it out to me. “We’ll knock a door through from the bookshop, and turn it into our living quarters.”

    “Because Amos can't leave the shop,” I say, following his reasoning. “I won't be abandoning him, but we’ll still have our own private space!”

    “Exactly! We’ll have a ghost-free bedroom, a ghost-free bathroom, ghost-free stairs, a ghost-free fireside rug, a ghost-free kitchen table... Have I missed anywhere?”

    “Draco! You’re a genius!” I throw my arms around his neck. “Thank you!”

    “Just a bit of Slytherin lateral thinking,” he says.

    “Can we go inside now?” I ask. “I mean, can we—you know—christen it?”

    “Merlin, Granger, you have a one track mind...”

    “Dirt track,” we finish, together.

    Laughing, he lifts me in his arms and, opening the door with an Alohomora Charm (and closing it behind us with a Colloportus), he carries me over the threshold.

    Sunday, October 1st, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Fallen Angel, by Anessa Ramsey
    Title: Fallen Angel
    Author: Anessa Ramsey (LindsayR on FFN)
    Word Count: 1693 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: Fallen Angel
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: M
    Author's Summary: Katie Bell has been addicted to something for a very long time and finally decides to break the habit. But it's not soon enough to save her from a broken heart.
    Author's Website: Author's fic list on FFN, Fiction Alley
    Why everyone should read this: More than 12 years ago, this fic and its two sequels was recced by angylinni. Unfortunately, the links provided back then no longer work (Chasers went out of business shortly after). I've decided to rec this again, not only to provide the updated links, but also to make sure the story isn't buried in the annals of fanfiction.

    There isn't much to add to Angylinni's rec. This first part tells a story of what happens when one pushes the other away because of the fear of getting their heart broken whilst the other hides behind a tough facade, too cowardice to speak up and break the status quo until it's too late. It's a beautiful example of what can happen when people do not communicate (honestly, that is) with each other.

    If you have time to waste and are curious to explore this pairing, this story is an easy start.

    Fair warning though, as it was written 13 years ago, the story can feel outdated here and there. Just consider it an AU. :)

    Part 2 No Denying Fate on FictionAlley || No Denying Fate on FFN
    Part 3 The Bad Boy Appeal of Slytherin Males on FictionAlley || The Bad Boy Appeal of Slytherin Males on FFN

    Of course, the woman was no longer an angel, though her friends believed her to be the picture of innocence. Once upon a time it may have been true. But she fell, long and hard, tempted from the heavens by the dark creature. Golden legs were wrapped around a lean, muscular waist, gripping the man tight as if she never wanted to let go. Their bodies moved together, striving for that moment, that one moment where pleasure and pain melded into one, tightening their bodies until they screamed out their ecstasy. And when it came they clung to each other, the only anchors they had as the world spun out of control.

    Even as their breathing evened out, no longer harsh and panting, they moved apart, as if they had not just made love like they were the only two people on Earth. She knew it couldn't continue. Not any longer. She'd been addicted to him for far too long. It was time to be strong, to fight this compulsion she had to be with him. They weren't good for each other, not really. Every time they met she got dragged a little further into the darkness that was his life, a little further away from the light and away from her friends. She sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, contemplating what to say. His fingers skimmed down her spine causing her head to spin slightly with arousal and she closed her eyes tight, forcing herself not to react.

    "Same time Friday night?" she heard him ask as he rose from the bed and began to dress.

    It took every ounce of courage for her to speak, to say the word that would put an end to this crazy addiction she had to him. "No," she whispered, praying that he heard her, so she wouldn't have to say it louder.
    Thursday, October 5th, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Do You Take, by Skysage
    Title: Do You Take
    Author: skysage
    Word Count: 5200 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: none
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: R
    Author's Summary: Katie finds herself pregnant after a few nights with Marcus, and is forced to marry him. It's a union neither are particularly keen on... but will become the most important thing to both of them.
    Author's Website: Author's fic list
    Why everyone should read this:
    This is (at the start) angsty read about two people ending up married because she got pregnant. Que unhappiness and lots of fighting. The Katie and Marcus' characterizations are spot on (as far as they can be for lesser known characters), as well as the reaction to the situation they find themselves in. Thankfully, this is (fan)fiction and there is happiness guaranteed. A lovely read for a chilly Autumn afternoon that will leave you warm and fuzzy inside.

    The next several months passed with a slowness that was pure torture. During the day, Katie would either pick a fight with Marcus or his parents, or sit around and do nothing, not even speak. Marcus wasn't even sure which one was worse. The fire that had attracted him to her in the first place seemed only reserved for her moments of anger and nothing else. She was fast becoming distant and listless... and the prospect of that scared him far more than he cared to admit.

    He found himself trying to find things that brought a spark back to her eyes or even the slightest hint of a smile to her face. The closest he'd come had been with the broom: it was only a Nimbus 2000, but it was leagues better than anything she'd ever had. Still, almost as soon as he'd seen the twinkle in her pale blue eyes, it was gone.

    At least she wasn't doing anything to endanger the baby.
    Sunday, October 8th, 2017
    7:01 am
    FIC: Feat. Char: Astoria Greengrass - "The Art of Seduction"
    Title: "The Art of Seduction"
    Gaining Access: https://wizard-love.livejournal.com/152946.html (Part 1), https://wizard-love.livejournal.com/153132.html (Part 2)
    Author: wandaxmaximoff
    Word Count: 13,574
    Alternate Links to Fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7938913/1/The-Art-of-Seduction, http://archiveofourown.org/works/365230
    Pairing: Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy
    Rating: NC-17
    Author's Summary: When buying his mother's birthday present, Draco meets a woman who takes his breath away. However, after numerous attempts to woo Asteria fail, she has to take matters into her own hands.
    Author's Website: on Livejournal, on AO3, on Fanfiction.net

    Why everyone should read this:
    Originally written for the 2012 wizard_love fic exchange, this is an adorable fluffy romance that will leave you laughing out loud (at SappyInLove!Draco and his fumbling, tied tongue), sighing and shaking your head (at Draco's string of bad luck), feeling indignant for Draco (when people abuse his infatuation for their own aims), and fanning yourself off and sweating (from the hot sex as Asteria takes charge - go girl!).

    The author prefers to spell her name 'Asteria' for this fic, FYI.

    This is a familiar tale: boy goes shopping for a present, boy meets girl who works at shop, boy falls instantly for her but his tongue ties into knots every time he tries to talk to her, boy can't ever get a break to ask out girl due to circumstances, girl finally takes the relationship by the reins and fixes the misunderstandings directly. The rest, as they say, is history.

    Rather than an arranged marriage between these two, as so many other authors envision this couple's start, 'wandamaximoff' has chosen to go the route of true love trumping tradition...and she fulfills that destiny with a reciprocally-felt chemistry that is through the roof. Draco and Asteria choose each other here, rather than let others choose for them, and that is totally sexy to me. I think you'll feel the same once you read it.


    "Excuse me Miss, I require your assistance, please."
    She turned to him with bright blue eyes that were almost hidden by the dark fringe of hair that fell down to her neatly-plucked eyebrows. Raising one of those eyebrows, and smiling with rose painted lips, she replied, "Certainly. How can I be of help to you today?"
    Draco's heart pounded, and for a moment he forgot why he was there at all. Surely his mere existence depended on her radiance alone.
    "I wanted to buy something," he blurted, "Some perfume … not for myself, obviously. I'm a guy, guys don't wear perfume. It’s a gift … not for my wife or girlfriend though. I don't have one of those," he clarified, looking down at her hands and taking note of the absence of a wedding band, "For my mother."
    The shop assistant was quick to hide her smirk and turned to Draco with a ready smile, teeth pearly white behind her luscious lips.
    "And is this gift for any particular reason?"
    "There are reasons to buy gifts?"
    Monday, October 9th, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Steadily Heartbreaking, by GoldSilver02
    Title: Steadily Heartbreaking
    Author: GoldSilver02
    Word Count: 2718 words complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: none
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: PG
    Author's Summary: Regardless of it all, Oliver Wood wasn't an idiot. He knew that Katie Bell would choose Marcus Flint sooner or later. He just never understood why.
    Author's Website: Author's fic list on FFN
    Why everyone should read this: This is one of those feel-good one-shots (unless your name is Oliver Wood, hehe) where you see the development of a relationship through the eyes of another. Someone who is not a shipper, to say the least. Oliver's confusion, suspicion and denial, and later, disapointment is well told. You'll (almost) feel sorry for him by the time you reach the end.

    I guess that Ollie will need some more time to understand and come to terms with reality.

    It was Saturday (the day of the big game) that it happened. Oliver Wood would later refer to it as 'The Incident'. It happened in slow motion for him. One minute she was up in the air, arms outstretched to catch the quaffle that seared past her finger-tips and then she was falling. Oliver was glued to the spot. He remembered hearing screams and George trying to catch her but it wasn't anyone from the Gryffindor team that caught her. A loud growl ripped through the Keeper's throat when he saw Marcus Flint grab one of Katie's arms and heft her onto his broom. Madam Hooch called a time out and both teams gathered around the middle of the pitch.

    Fred Weasley ripped Katie out of Marcus' arms and led her over to where the rest of the team were situated. Angelina and Alicia immediately had their arms wrapped around her and she was quickly wiping away the tears that fell onto her cheeks. Oliver came up behind her and put both his hands on her shoulders glaring at the Slytherin captain. Marcus glared back at him.

    After making sure that Katie was fine and reminding everyone for what seemed like the seventh time that game the conducts and rules of Quidditch, the game resumed.

    Minutes later, Harry Potter caught the snitch and won the game for them. Grinning happily, he grabbed Katie and swung her around.

    He didn't not notice the petite blonde stare at the tall burly Slytherin captain when he walked by. He didn't miss the stare that the said tall burly Slytherin captain gave the petite blonde back.
    Friday, October 13th, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Bite!, by becisvolatile
    Title: Bite!
    Author: becisvolatile
    Word Count: 2620 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: couldn't find any
    Pairing: Katie Bell/Marcus Flint
    Rating: R
    Author's Summary: Are those& teeth marks?!
    Author's Website: Bec's fic library
    Why everyone should read this: This is the first of two stories from this author I'm reccing this month, although is urge you to read her other stories as well.
    This is another hilarious one-shot about Katie who, after a night of too much drinking, wakes up with a bite mark on her bum. Cue a day of trying to figure what actually happened. Complete with cameos of expected and unexpected characters and, of course, a smutty end with the culprit.

    Deep within the Ministry of Magic in the offices for the Department of Magical Games and Sports, Katie Bell braced herself on her elbows as she bent over her colleagues table. She felt a shock of air as her skirt was pulled up and her knickers pushed aside. Silence ensued for a few minutes and all she could feel was a cold draft on her exposed behind. A muscled twitched high in her right thigh as her position grew more uncomfortable. After a few more moments of silence Katie huffed out the breath that she had been holding and twisted to look behind her.


    Luna reached forward and poked at a rather tender patch of flesh, Were you savaged by a pack of Doxies? She spoke with wide eyes.

    Katie snorted and turned to Hermione and Angelina in hope of a more probable suggestion. Both women tilted their heads to the left to view the raw marks on Katies behind. Angelina shrugged, Did you sit on some broken glass?

    Hermione pursed her lips and leaned in closer to view the wound on Katies bottom.

    Maybe it was a Nundu? offered Luna as she pulled a book from her desk and began shuffling through the pages. Or a Fire Crab&

    Arent they native to Fiji? asked Angelina, Did you go to Fiji last night, Katie?

    Katie huffed again, turned and smacked her forehead down onto the desk with a thud. Thats the problem! Katie cried. I dont know what I did last night! But I woke up at home this morning with a very sore arse! What is it? A rash? A burn? Curse mark?

    Sunday, October 15th, 2017
    7:01 am
    FIC: Feat. Char: Astoria Greengrass - "Five Stories Astoria Greengrass Did Not Write"
    Title: "Five Stories Astoria Greengrass Did Not Write"
    Gaining Access: https://archiveofourown.org/works/480994
    Author: slumber
    Word Count: 1,279
    Alternate Links to Fic: https://rarepair-shorts.livejournal.com/405122.html
    Pairing: Astoria Greengrass/Zacharias Smith
    Rating: General Audiences (PG)
    Author's Summary: Zacharias Smith works in the News department of The Daily Prophet. Astoria Greengrass is in Features. Zacharias has a hard time figuring out what that means.
    Author's Website: on AO3, on Livejournal

    Why everyone should read this:
    Slumber is one of the greats in the "Harry Potter" fandom, IMHO. She never fails to deliver a solid piece you can sink your teeth into and enjoy. This one is just one more example of her incredible talent, this time using the "five times" trope.

    Few descriptions and heavy on the dialogue, but we get the gist: news reporter, Zacharcias Smith, is seriously in love with his co-worker, the beautiful brunette, pure-blood heiress, Astoria Greengrass, and he goes out of his wacky way to get her attention by blaming her for writing pieces in their newspaper that she didn't write. Astoria's dry, snarky replies to his accusations will make you smirk and smile uncontrollably. By the end, the story almost makes you wonder which of them is the Hufflepuff and which is the Slytherin, as their flirtations take on game proportions (it's like watching a game of verbal badminton and you can't look away).

    This was a jewel of a tale, filled with comedic retorts that had great timing. Definitely read/review and let the author know you appreciate it, too!


    "I don't even like Quidditch," Astoria protests. "Why would I write rubbish about it?"
    "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Zacharias does a double take. "What." His eyes bug out and he nearly chokes on his sandwich. "What do you mean, you don't like Quidditch? Who doesn't like Quidditch?"
    Astoria wrinkles her nose. "It's just not a very fair game, is it? You make such a big deal of signing chasers and beaters and keepers, but at the end of the day it's a seekers' game. It doesn't matter how many goals you score if catching the snitch is all you need to win."
    Zacharias stares at her for a long moment. "That is just messed up," he says finally. "That is messed up and completely misguided."

    Tuesday, October 17th, 2017
    4:30 pm
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Gesundheit!, by blondesimone
    Title: Gesundheit!
    Author: blondesimone
    Word Count: 4002 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: all links lead to author's website
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint, Daphne Greengrass
    Rating: NC-17
    Author's Summary: None given by the author unless you count the A/N as one.
    Author's Website: Link to her tag list for easy roaming. Pro-tip: browse her journal in your own LJ-style.
    Why everyone should read this:
    Marcus has doubts about the fidelity of his wife, Katie, and hires Daphne Greengrass to spy on her. What happens next is a funny retelling of Daphne's investigation whilst having a magical cold. Katie and Marcus are spot on with their explosives fights and banter and the end makes more than up for all the angsty moments at the very beginning. However, although this is a Katie/Marcus fic, Daphne the P.I. is the real star of this story. Even if the pairing isn't your cup of tea, read it for her.

    A happy end in more ways than one guaranteed. ;)

    Daphnes eyes shot back and forth between them and she distantly wondered how she could leave without being noticed. It didnt matter however, because another sneeze had her desk plate doing the tango and two sets of eyes on her.

    You! Katie turned her anger on Daphne. Do you know how hard it was to explain to Stacey about why the furniture had gone mad?

    Stacey? Marcus repeated, his eyes going wide.

    Daphne winced.

    I hope youre happy you found out this way. Katie turned back to Marcus. It certainly helped me figure out some things Ive been questioning- like the trust and love in our marriage.

    I dont care if you are seeing a woman, I kill her anyway! Marcus was screaming, ignoring Katies own rant.

    This had Katie pausing. What?

    Marcus continued to rant, detailing exactly how he would kill and/or maim any person who touched Katie. Katie, however, was looking between Marcus and Daphne, confusion in her eyes.

    Daphne waited for it to click, scrounging up another tissue to wipe her nose.
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