The Characters of Color Love Fest's Journal
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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded in The Characters of Color Love Fest's InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, January 15th, 2011
    2:56 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (27/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, nc17 by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (27/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: NC17
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 2,555
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. – David and Charlie relax.
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. I’m sorry if people were expecting more drama after the end of yesterday’s chapter. I really just needed to get out of that scene and I guess I wasn’t very creative on the day. I will promise there will be both personal and case drama before the end of this story.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951

    (Chapter 27)
    Sunday, January 16th, 2011
    6:37 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (28/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, nc17 by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (28/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: NC17
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 3,246
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. - Charlie and The Jeans
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. A little smut and a bit of personal drama here.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951

    (Chapter 28)
    Monday, January 17th, 2011
    5:42 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (29/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, nc17 by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (29/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: NC17
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count:3,220
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. - David has nightmares and Charlie's math is called into question.
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. That other shoe you've all been waiting for has arrived.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951

    Chapter 29
    Tuesday, January 18th, 2011
    5:44 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (30/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, pg13 by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (30/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: PG13
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 2,532
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. - David has some decisions to make.
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. We're on the home stretch here.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951 except for some bits I wrote a half hour ago.

    Chapter 30
    Wednesday, January 19th, 2011
    6:31 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (31/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, pg13 by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (31/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: PG13
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 4,853
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers. Tissues may be required.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. - When David left Tel Aviv he swore he'd never give it another chance.
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 25 26 27 28 29 30
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. This is one of the sections I slaved over and am still not entirely happy with but I'll be buggered if I can figure out how to make it better. That said tell me what you think.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951

    (Chapter 31)
    Thursday, January 20th, 2011
    6:02 pm
    (fic)Who We Are (32/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, pg13 by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (32/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: PG13
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 1,570
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. - David comes home.
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. This is a short chapter after yesterday and is mainly tidying thing up before the next big thing.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951

    (Chapter 32)
    Friday, January 21st, 2011
    5:46 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (33/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, r, by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (33/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: R
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 4,267
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. Detailed descriptions of a crime scene. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. - A case rides into town and Ian is right on its tail.
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. You know I couldn't go through all this without Ian putting in an appearance. That in mind I've rewritten this section more times than any other and I still can't make myself happy with it. I was rewriting bits of this ten minutes ago. I hope it works on some level.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951 except for the bits I just rewrote.

    (Chapter 33)
    Saturday, January 22nd, 2011
    2:54 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (34/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, r by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (34/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: R
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 3,306
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. – If it quacks like a chicken.
    Previous Chapters:1 5 10 15 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
    Notes:Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. Here it is, the penultimate chapter. I hope you’re all still enjoying this.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951

    Chapter 34
    Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
    2:54 pm
    (fic) Who We Are (35/35), numb3rs, david sinclair/charlie eppes, nc17 by ladygray99
    Title: Who We Are (35/35)
    Author: ladygray99
    Rating: NC17
    Characters/Pairings: Charlie/David
    Word count: 4,522
    Warnings/Spoilers: Attempted Suicide and the after effects there of. See Part 1 for Spoilers.
    Summary: Sometimes life makes you look in the mirror and if you don’t like what you see there are only a couple of options. - Charlie and David go on a date to celebrate an important day.
    Previous Chapters: 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 31 32 33 34
    Notes: Written for choc_fic 's 100 Days of Color. Here it is. The End. Extra Notes at the bottom but please if you've been lurking and haven't comment yet just take a second to tell me you've read this. I’d sort of like to get a head count and it would mean a lot.
    Beta: swingandswirl and riverotter1951

    (Chapter 35)
    Thursday, April 25th, 2013
    2:16 am
    jossverse ficathon for characters of color

    femslash_minis, a Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly femslash ficathon community, is hosting its first ever Ladies of Color round.

    Basically, you submit a prompt with a pairing from a Jossverse fandom featuring a woman of color, the prompts are swapped, you get two weeks to write a ficlet of at least 500 words, and at the end of two weeks, the stories are revealed! We would love members of choc_fic to participate; all you have to do is head over to this signup post and fill out the form, and you're all set . . . except for writing your story, that is!

    Happy slashing!

    Saturday, March 30th, 2013
    4:22 pm
    Not Prime Time exchange

    Not Prime Time (AO3 collection)
    npt_admin on LJ | npt_admin on DW | Not Prime Time tumblr
    Frequently Asked Questions | Not Prime Time 2013 Tag Set

    Not Ready For Prime Time (Fandoms), or otherwise known as Not Prime Time, is a gen, het, femslash, and slash multifandom secret fiction exchange for medium sized fandoms. This is for the fandoms that are no longer eligible for Yuletide but are not megafandoms.

    Nominations are April 5th to 12th. Sign ups are April 18th to 25th. There are plenty of characters of colors within medium sized fandoms, and we'd love to see them nominated/requested. If you need an AO3 account invite, please let me know.
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