"love is the only enchantment we know"'s Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in "love is the only enchantment we know"'s InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, October 10th, 2023
    1:59 pm
    So, I'm back after exhausting but very nice holidays (and a thirty hours trip, including 1200 km across France, the crossing of the Mediterranean and so on).... The highlight of the holidays was this:

    Yay! Beautiful baby! Extremely beautiful baby's mom! To tell that I won't see them again for 6 months. :(


    Fic wise:

    I was treated to two wonderful story (thank you Yuletide)
    blakefancier'sfragments of a mirror, probably one of the most beautiful, heartbreaking DV story I ever read. She knows me so well! There's even a blue cloak. *smooches blakefancier*

    shimere277's beautiful passive-agressive. Ahhhhh. Tom. Ahhhhhhhhh. Serge. Oooooooooohhhhhhh Tom/Serge. Be thanked for this, Kasabian writer!

    I also wrote two KASABIAN RPS fics for shimere:
    Grace and Five times Sergio Pizzorno fucked Tom Meighan


    Now, let's empty the suitcase!
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